Why do vetex adjacent games not let me uncap fps

arcane odyssey

world of magic

arcane reborn

my fps is VERY CLEARLY set above 60 and yet only these 3 games never let me go above 60 fps on windows (they do allow me to do so on linux) so what the fuck is happening? why are only vetex* games capping me at 60 while any other game gets me my desired 144

bro flexing his high fps while playing arcane odyssey

this isnt high though on linux i can easily get 144 fps while on windows im stuck on 60

i mean high compared to the majority of players

i also get 60 but thats because im running a roblox game on a super computer

Well I can easily get 110 in Elysium. I doubt it’s a capping issue.

i go above 60 ingame somewhat often (70-90 usually) i dont think its capped

might just be AO being AO and being unoptimized as hell

How many frames does one need?

this might help:

Me being happy when I get at least 25 fps on graphic 3

Windows is bloated just make the switch to linux already

It is clearly capped as I’m running on a supercomputer and I easily get consistent 144 fps on linux and in every other game

Im dualbooting already

thank you my goat turns out it was shitty d*rectx11 :nauseated_face: that was causing the issue i am now getting 144 fps again

This is good, and since then Roblox has added the ability to uncap FPS in the settings menu so you dont have to do this every time Roblox updates.(it’s weird that his isn’t working, it might fix itself later on) I would still do it for the performance boosts, though, but I need to look into fastflags again to see if any better ones have been added.

If your looking to increase fps in general, ALWAYS trade with items rendered as text. Doing otherwise will result in your fps permanently being crippled due to the trade window never closing. This may have been fixed,but I doubt it. Maybe someone could ping moochez and request to have it forwarded if it’s not.(I’ve mentioned this bug a lot but I feel that it’s important for people to know)

more than 60

144 to match my monitors refresh rate

That’s a lot of frames I most of the time get 24 so my game is about as smooth as Wallace and gromit

it’s about as smooth as my friend’s face(he has acne scars everywhere, unfortunate for him)

i think you need a better computer