Why does everyone hate conjurer

Personally don’t hate em. Maybe it’s cause I only really end up fighting Bio most the time and they are usually a conjurer

every build can be hatred

Conjurer is the most popular class cause it dips into the most popular routes - magic and weapons.
And where’s popularity, there’s hate

I was a conjurer since day 1, despite all the hype around warlock and mage around release. (Though don’t get me wrong, conjurer was hyped as well, just not nearly as meta as mage or early stun warlock metas)

Out of my 7 max lvl files, I have 4 conjurers

as a conjurer

no customizable skills

that’s it.

Savants: I am a joke for you?

Watch as Vetex vetoes this

is this the EXACT reason why i switched to warrior :skull:?

Well the update that’s coming will allow you to put weapon skills on other weapons so there’s that

-Elius is fun and not that challenging if you just git gud
-lightning conjurer was a great if not one of the best classes a few updates ago (still outclassed I think but it outclassed a lot too)
-Conj is my main file, I love it as is without arcanium
-Berserker is lame, literally either stupid fast thermo/boxing zerker or aimless ironleg/boxing (for movement) zerker are the only ones I’ve seen
Or aimless sailor, I have NEVER seen a berserker actually aim besides attack speed ones back when thermo zerker was meta
-Conjurer is GOOD. We LOVE conjurer.

Yessirr brother I love using 1-6 to switch to all my attacks and having my food in my 8th slot instead of my 5th on conj (my repair hammer is always on my 7th)

here are my slots

. . . 1 . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . 6 . . . . . . 7 . . . . . . 8 . . . . . . 9 . . . . . . 10 . . .
Mag1 - FiStyl1 - M/FS 2 - Tele wep - Staff - Musket - Repair - Food - (rod/shovel/etc.)

as an ex conjurer, I just want to say that I don’t hate the class, I just hate weapons
(strength weapons are pretty cool tho)

Mag1, FS, Weapon, Weapon 2, Mag 2. this is my hotbar

I disagree with all those counts.

‘‘favorite build: mage’’

It is not the same.

(i do appreciate this addition a lot, though.)

which one


there are 3