Why does everyone hate suncry?

Personally I’ve seen people hate on Suncry for two reasons; ganking, and community. First, I don’t believe that ganking was a bad thing for them to do. Was it annoying as hell for everyone besides them? Yes. But did a lot of other guilds do it alongside them, and it was literally encouraged by the game at that time? Also yes. And for the most part, I’ve barely seen any toxic members and I’ve had mostly good interactions with most of the clan.


His goofy ahh responses, anyways u right

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<3 :sunglasses: :sunny:

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Could you detail what’s in there before I open it in the middle of class?

screenshots of vetex discord and this forum


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Some of those are ironic or not offensive at all, but for the actually toxic ones idk what to say. Most of the members I’ve interacted with at least haven’t been diabolical, but I suppose there’s some in there.

yeah, not all of them are bad of course

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I still find it so funny how they have a channel for posting screenshots of people slandering them, and most of the members react with “:pray:” or “true”

There’s a ghost one for when they blamed losing superior on me

I feel like we got off on the wrong foot

explain this document then

okay ima be real here, the very fact there’s another topic wondering why people hate suncry, I think that’s in itself already a pretty bad sign.

None of these are actually toxic, most are just trolling

also you should handle that my little pony addiction

Yes suncry has been toxic, but I don’t see any of that in this document icl mabye like 1 or 2 max, but you didn’t give context to these so I can’t be sure

It’s pretty funny ngl

also vexxire reported us for killing his guild in wom

Most responses are satire on the fourm anyways, especially the pvp stuff, you don’t need to be good at pvp to participate in suncry activities.

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Most of these are ironic


someone explain why like so many suncry members talk about bronies it’s kinda weird

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I was asked by a mod to get evidence of you doing your fun thing.
what happens to you is not my concern

they take any chance they can to belittle others

ehh a few of them are pretty valid

but yeah tbh a good lot of these seem, surprisingly harmless

but why bronies???

I mean dare I say it’s self projection?