Why does m1 blocked people stun you for fs?

y’know there are air movement uses yeah?

let’s see how long it takes for them to touch the ground!

that’s in enclosed place, im talking about like Munera Garden. And he didn’t block

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poison dagger has the spiralling fury tho

the three second mark:

what does this even relate to. You don’t even see me m1 in that. Which further proved that m1 is not widely used

yes, it relates to your statement saying people never touch the ground ever

but it also proved that m1 is not the entirety of combat

this is what you said


you do realize that’s exactly what I said…?

not to mention the fact that your previous posts seem to want m1s to be a part of the combat system, which is the whole point of the argument

yeah, I want it to be added, so that you can actually m1 ppl. The current game is only ability spam

that’s how combat just is

m1s are a bad combat system considering that’s literally every game, stop crying about the originality of AO

To be fair, ive killed plenty of people with a m1 finisher

that’s just how bad the playerbase are

Not Really…?

M1s Are fast yet low damaging, perfect to finish off someone mid air

some moves keep you still for a long while, like tempest. PERFECT for m1ing if your willing to tank 2__ damage

Look i dont know whats yall talking about but i think going brrrrr with full attack speed dagger is funny


listen yama I’m going to try not to be mean with this one

normal players don’t m1 in combat at all, regardless of whether it’s with weapons or fighting styles, because they do not fit into the game’s combat at all and are there as a novelty more than anything

I’ve seen your clips. the way you play is very, very, very simple. maybe try playing fighting styles a bit more intelligently and you won’t have to be complaining about your m1s getting blocked