edit the intitial post clarifying you understand since a lot of people don’t read the whole thread
cant be bothered to tbf
this thread is 400 messages long lol.
people are NOT reading this whole thing.
also pythoncones is a bad example too.
sure maybe he wasn’t as bad as fridge but he did deliberately create his topic with the very clear intention of making fun of vetex to piss him off.
of course he got banned.
“I could take the 1 minute to edit the post, but I prefer people to make the same point again so I can call them out for not reading the 400 messages”
thats the type of message that makes me think this was just a satire topic that turned into a massive bait
i mean theres been so many summaries here like 3 scrolls up thats there no point in doing this
the thread should probably be closed
It should’ve been closed about 300 messages ago lmao
Around here actually:
that was a nothing burger reply it should’ve ended somewhere about here
Aw yep
Seeing what is actually going on with Vetex’s life in tester chat and then seeing weirdos on the forums try to create stupid theories in order to justify ragging on him makes you guys look so silly and arguably like antisocial pests as well if you’re gonna go down that route. Because let’s be real, no normal person does this.
I don’t believe you guys are honestly and genuinely making arguments you believe are reasonable. They are just excuses.
Like to be clear: This isn’t me saying “Your theory is stupid, which is why you are wrong.” I am saying “Your theory is wrong, period. And it’s also probably stupid.”
can i be let in this special chat
Honestly I don’t get why people try to use vetex’s personal life against him in the first place.
For starters, we do not know.
Even if we did, who the hell are we to be playing that card in the first place.
Well tbf, we can follow the scientific method to figure it out. We use available information (Vetex is defensive) to develop a hypothesis (Vetex being defensive is why he is single). Then we can create operational definitions (defensiveness = responding disproproportionally to criticism) and set up an experiment (imagining the results in our heads and arguing with strangers online) to determine a causal relationship and develop that hypothesis into a theory.
But you see, that’s only one data point. We have to go to the vetcord and wiki and argue with THOSE strangers about vetex’s personal life to determine a relationship
But then, after you got the theory, how would you test it?
Become an egirl and try to rizz vetex
first of all, no one said it was a plausible theory, we never know how vetex is when hes not trauma dumping to ragebaiters. what we CAN do is base assumptions off the way he handles situations like that. this is his very blunder, the way he carries himself leaves a bitter taste. in the end we never know if vetex tweaks his stories and whatnot in tester chat, everyone has something they dont wanna reveal especially online to randoms. its a little stupid to blindly follow anything he says. also if you wanna call being in multiple friend circles irl antisocial, be my guest but you’re the one that apparently thinks friends cant fall out and you have to be in a rs with them for anything serious to go on.
So you just defended the theory because… it was funny? If it’s not a plausible theory, don’t defend it. Otherwise you’re treating it like one.
So in other words, you are treating it like one.
It’s not “stories”, it’s plain observations that you make because you have eyes, ears and basic logic .
So instead of “listening to things he says” you make blind guesses in regards to situations you have absolutely 0 intel on? What a genius, this is a much better way of approaching the situation.
Because I definintely said that you have to be in a rs for serious things to happen.
Not everyone goes on dates with people they’ve been in long-time friendships with beforehand. If that was the case then yeah stuff like being overly defensive would probably push people away.