Why doesn't vetex remove poison magic as well?

Ok hear me out, Paper and Ink were removed because they didn’t fit the theme of the game and aren’t really elemental magics
But neither is poison. Most toxic gases are man made, and so are paper and ink (more so paper but whatever) The reason for most of the magic we have is they were supposed to be mutations and that makes sense for every magic except paper, ink, and poison. I guess you could say Acid but it’s just if magma wasn’t hot but still melted things.
Tldr ; Vetex should remove poison because it’s not elemental
Edit : And if he’s not going to remove it, at least make a yellow version to be more accurate

Uhh it is an element :face_with_raised_eyebrow: it occurs on earth naturally



The gasses from acid pools near volcanoes releases extremely dangerous gas that can make people go unconscious or worse

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bruh they aren’t purple or red

Oh cool. The sun is white so sun magic should be white right?

Water should be clear because it’s only blue due to sunlight

Wind should be completely invisible

Acid should also be clear as it regularly isn’t green or purple

Hell! Going by your logic lightning should be white and light should always be white.

But why stop there?

Shadow shouldn’t exist because it’s the absence of light


he removed them because paper and ink were magics inspired by fairy tail, and he forgot to remove them when he made this game not fairy tail inspired

Poison was in AA (I think)
Ink and Paper weren’t.

the concepts of elements in and of itself is an archaic way of looking at the world, so obviously it’ll get confusing if you try to work with it with our modern understanding of it.

but poison gives a more “elemental” feel than paper and ink to me.


I guess so
Now that I think about it it doesn’t make much sense
Magma should annihilate everything

Ice has to be always clear in color, get the fuck out “sage” and “mystic”

poison magic is a natural thing. One spell name is VENOM which isn’t manmade. So poison is a natural magic.

yeah, i think poison was a planned mutation.

venom is usually clear or yellow

Was it? I haven’t seen the mutation chart in a while

It wasn’t. That was acid

pulled up from google rn. deffo planned

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But still, the fact that it’s used as a spell name is evidence enough that it isn’t manmade.
