Why doesn't vetex remove poison magic as well?

@bitia stop, this is post is pointless now

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it was just the one comment
they needed to get their opinion in

You should just explain to people how ever base magic can occur naturally in the world :disappointed: and then hopefully they’ll shut up

might just lead to more annoying questions.
really the only justification for an element’s existence he needs to provide is that he wants it to exist.

if it ends up broken or bad he can just fix it down the line, but that’s not what people are even talking about here so…

poison is cool

it doesn’t need to necessarily occur naturally in the world, as long as its a cool magic and isn’t something utterly ridiculous then it can be one (paper and ink were only magics because originally WoM was going to be a fairy tail inspired game before it was made a part of the arcane universe)


“Cool magics”

:wood_magic_var1: :fr:

Wood is cool, just cause you don’t like it doesn’t mean everyone does :man_shrugging:


I like wood tho

well paper is fun to use aswell though. But paper ink synergy is CANCER

Paper and Ink weren’t weird or ridiculous, honestly I never disliked either of them even if ink was just slightly better water, and I was really looking forward to using paper in TGR, but I respect your decision. The reasoning behind all elemental Magic’s occurring naturally is because they occur naturally in the world, but I think you re naming them to base magic was a choice, although not the best name, hopefully people will complain a little less

Paper and Ink were cool too and they probably had one of most looked forward to synergy for 2nd magic update cause scribed

bruh I just want to shoot people with leaves man


ok then

I’m sorry but this is a fantasy game. NOTHING IS REALISTIC! Might as well call the game Planet of Physics and Total Reasonable Science.

there are a LOT of poisonous liquids…

I re-looked at the post again.

Magma doesn’t melt things


I meant to say that Poison usually isn’t a gas (in the context of fantasy/story settings), rather than Poison isn’t usually a liquid.

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no not at all in this game

Mercury is poisonous. Most poisons are actually liquid lmao.