Why don't PvEr's use Love Gels? (devolved into absolute chaos) (guys please stop there's 40+ edits) (what happened?)(<-- basically Fridge was being mean and so we told him to stop and he got meaner šŸ˜­) (Arcane Odyssey SUCKS!)(What the sigma?!)

Yo Fridge want me to explain your point but in better detail so I can bail you out from all the people dogpiling you? That way you can just copy off of my points like the genius I am.

Oh my god is it over did I win the argument :face_holding_back_tears:

this reminds me of a certain presidential debate

either way, iā€™m gonna try argue for fridge bc i think itā€™s actually a really interesting point
if you donā€™t want to be ganked, have counter measures ready for when you do
this includes stuff like maybe investing a bit into agility, resetting renown, learning pvp so you can fight back, and getting some love gels

itā€™s strange how i almost never see this thing be used even tho itā€™s basically free combat log

You never had to protect yourself or someone you love. Iā€™ll die before I let someone hurt my family or friends.

the problem with investing into any of these is that the balance team will get 74 complaints about any of them used and theyā€™ll inevitably be heavily nerfed. It happened with love potions with the advent of love block (which is why NOBODY uses love potions), and itā€™s happening right now with the bullshit agility nerfs

I agree with renown tho

Like Iā€™ve told you before, youā€™re on a clear path to suspension and pretending youā€™re not would be stupid.

Stop before you get any further behind than you already are.

maybe thatā€™s true, maybe it isnā€™t, but that shouldnā€™t stop someone from still trying instead of complaining and wondering why theyā€™re an easy target

As stated before, I believe the reason love gels arenā€™t often employed is because itā€™s just usually second priority.

their obtainment method is quite specific and most people arenā€™t willing to farm them by running around on set specific islands or serverhop to collect them, not to mention how thereā€™s ways to bypass the effect, or so Iā€™ve heard.

I know thereā€™s also life remnants, but those are even rarer and even less practical to try and farm, so, meh.

another reason as to why people donā€™t use them is the fact that a complete hard counter to them DOES exist. It doesnā€™t matter if as fridge said nobody has love potions in their inventory, if someone does, your gel is COMPLETELY useless

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you donā€™t have to farm them, you could just passively gain them from picking stuff off the ground

this only applies if the hunter drinks a love potion before the getting hit by a love gel

you can protect what you love without being dangerous. I mean, you could say that youā€™re strong to protect those who you love, but dangerous just makes you sound like youā€™re an active threat to them and others.

I understand what you say, but the way you say it makes you sound like a psycho. I do not know how it feels to protect someone I love because I donā€™t love my blood relatives, but I can understand one does not have to sound like a threat to protect them. Look, I will not ask about you having to protect your family and how you gain your morals, I am just here to say your phrasing couldve been better.

pretty sure drinking a love potion of equal/higher tier even with love removes it

okay? itā€™s still gonna work in the 99% of cases where the hunter doesnā€™t have a love potion

(Why do I assume this is actually a really commonly applied strat that experienced hunters use to prevent the occasional love gel user)


i donā€™t know, but it isnā€™t

the issue is that 1%. Besides, you needa think about what happens after people use love potions again. People use love gels ā†’ gankers use love block ā†’ people donā€™t ever use love gels because itā€™s a waste ā†’ gankers stop using love block because itā€™s a waste ā†’ repeat

Hey this is like the first time Iā€™ve witnessed uchihaā€™s madness

(Me and banana are somewhat partners in crime though heeheheha)

is preventing 99% of ganks not good enough bro what :skull:

Youā€™re giving them ideas :scream: