Why don't PvEr's use Love Gels? (devolved into absolute chaos) (guys please stop there's 40+ edits) (what happened?)(<-- basically Fridge was being mean and so we told him to stop and he got meaner šŸ˜­) (Arcane Odyssey SUCKS!)(What the sigma?!)

people are terrible at probabilities. 1% for most people feels like 5%

idk how this makes love gels supposedly not worth using but ok

Its a habit they have and tbh. I think they simply need to push themselves in irl to get what your saying. If your too sedentary your mind also becomes sedentary. I have a feeling alot of these guys are not people who push themsleves to do hard things. Thats why mentioning doing anything incovenient or them doing anything inconvenient strikes a chord with them.

fridge please ur digging urself into a deeper hole

Ive seen you a few times and much of it is you duking someone, I gotta say the most replies box is not in your favor :sob:

thatā€™s just a terrible mindset

ā€œoh theyā€™re just lazy irl and have victim mentalityā€

fridge how did you turn a valid point into a mess that has turned more people off to using love gels

Well, Iā€™d rather be the dunker than be the dunked :triumph:

Fridge, I donā€™t think grinding virtual items in an early access Roblox game can be translated to an indication of someoneā€™s discipline in real life.

Maybe thatā€™s just my view, I dunno.

You should have started the debate with the points Onioncream brought up. You have no debate skills, Iā€™m still willing to give you more points to help you btw since I kinda feel bad for the people all on you.

Gotta say both your old and new pfp do well representing your gremlin energy

Discipline and focus are the same. How you do one thing is how you do everything. Treat everything you do as if you were to leave your signature on it. Its called finnesse.

or they wish to have fun and we dont do inconvenient things because we are trying to take a break from doing such acts?

thats called the road to burnout

The road to success isnā€™t easy. Burnout only exsists if your doing something not worth doing btw u need to find something worth fighting for.

dawg itā€™s a roblox game wth do you mean the road to success

the road to success also has a fee that most people cant pay

Im not talking about roblox anymore lol

Cant or wont?

what are we talking about now im confused