Why don't PvEr's use Love Gels? (devolved into absolute chaos) (guys please stop there's 40+ edits) (what happened?)(<-- basically Fridge was being mean and so we told him to stop and he got meaner 😭) (Arcane Odyssey SUCKS!)(What the sigma?!)

This is like watching a bunch of rational people try to have a discussion with the cocaine addicted druggie homeless man from the alleyway wearing a sign that says “THE END IS NIGH”


Fridge please, take the L… theres no winning this its far too derailed :sob:

if you consider people not rich enough to pay money they dont have as those who fall into “cant”, then yes.

people dont just pull themselves up by the bootstrap, they’re born into a rich family and simply get even richer.

Fridge must disable his passive ability being win all arguments

Or else this goes on for eternity

people who relax in games are so lazy that they are completely worthless maggots or smth, some sort of elitist spartan fucking shit like that ig

how dare they try to have fun in their favourite pastime until they commit to boring and painful grinds >:(

Not me lol i grew up in the hood. Worked hard at the things i loved. And as soon as i graduated i left my hometown to bet on myself to learn niche skills and become a entrepeneur. 3 years later i got my own thriving busineuss with more oppurtunities than i can handle. Its not just pulling up your boot straps its about seeking greater knowledge.

Man I hope this out of the blue fight doesn’t become a staple of the forums. Let the sanity be seen through this :pensive:

okay this is just bait he isn’t even trying lmao

You dont have to believe me im not the first person with this story.

yeah, nice try buddy. great feel-good story, I’ll post it on facebook where it belongs

Lol. Yeah you havent done a 10th of the hard things I’ve done

yeah we cant forgot about jeffery who lost both of his parents at the age of 3 and was raised by a murderer of crows, despite this he still managed to start a successful business worth 5 arcaneillion dollars today

mhm, just call a mod to lock the post for all of this chaos, block this sad sad specimen of “human”, and move on.

People with hardlives, do have successes through hardwork. I pray god brings you more hope and joy in your life.

dear god this exploded

I wonder what kind of conclusions different people would come to after reading this. They have varied so far.

mine is that you’re an rb1 alt with the sheer skill at baiting people that you possess

Oh so THIS is the “continued drama from the other thread” they were talking about

Time to read :stuck_out_tongue::popcorn:

Tbh, you remind me of myself in an argument, and I am terrible at them.

At some point it just feels like you’re “arguing for the sake of arguing” and not just because you feel you are right. The popcorn derailing seems like a funny way to try and stop this argument, but it didn’t work.

You come off as repetitive, forcing your opinions on others and a bit ignorant. I don’t know if I’ve read this topic right, but that’s what I see.
It’s best if you look away from the argument sometimes and reassess, although I am not sure if that works all the time.