Why don't PvEr's use Love Gels? (devolved into absolute chaos) (guys please stop there's 40+ edits) (what happened?)(<-- basically Fridge was being mean and so we told him to stop and he got meaner 😭) (Arcane Odyssey SUCKS!)(What the sigma?!)

How did i force my opinions on others?

if popcorn and tea cant stop war nothing can :pensive:

This thread feels like you’re telling pve players that they are wrong about their playstyle and that your way (as a pvper) is better. I guess that’s what arguments are for, but I feel like there could be some improvement with how you convey those things to make it seem more like a nice piece of advice than something that instigates a worse argument.

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I dont have a problem with pve players or any of these people for that matter I stated that they made lame excuses of why “love gels are to hard to get” and then they got mad at me. I called them out for making lame excuses straighforward and simple. I understand most people dont like the truth and thats why i got the reaction i did. If I was lying I would’ve been ignored. I seem to have struck a cord in with some people. From just that… the truth…


oh, really?


Ooooh another forum war, can’t go a week without them.

Its pass midnight lol, you still fighting

butterfly has been cooking up a storm :cold_sweat:

Going hard on someone saying they got victim mentality just cause they said others might hoard their items is a bit too big of a jump no? I legit got denied trade asking FOR A GOLD SHOVEL. THEY HAD MULTIPLE. I HAD NO SHOVEL TRYING TO GET CHARTS.

And when you replied to them back, you said “Realise what I said had substance”, the wording would rub people the wrong way because you’re kinda suggesting your opinion is superior to others.

I think what ultimately went wrong is that you think all PvE players are crying abt getting hunted despite the fact that they could have love potions and you assumed Dubi is one of those people, so you jumped into assumption thinking they’ve got victim mentality. When they showed none of that in their posts. Then when they told you to chill, you assumed they were upset and being defensive. They were kinda just trying to give a reason why PvE players wouldn’t find Pink Apples

Like what Ultimate said, it’s just that you could’ve conveyed these things better.

I’ve already said it earlier, but I’ll say it again:

PvE players do have a different playstyle. They’re chill, they could pick up Pink Apples, but they couldve done other much more fun PvE content in that time. They could pick up Pink Apples, but its literally not their priority as much as other PvE stuff that are actually fun. Most of their items were probs found via exploring/Dark Sea. This is why I dont look for them. I tried in the past, but it didnt feel worth it tbh.

Meanwhile PvP players are far more likely to make Love Potions because they are important for their playstyle, and they would be more likely to negate Love Potions when they hunt people. So what’s the point of finding Pink Apples?? Best bet is Life Remnants, and you’d be lucky finding those in Dark Sea runs.

You talk abt discipline or whatever, but thats not how PvE players play. They explore and enjoy the game, not hunting for a specific thing out of fear of a bad encounter. They also have lives to fulfil OUTSIDE of the game too.


way too many people think that just because a player is trading for an obscure item that it means said item might be valuable or will be in the future

All I’ve got from this thread is that fridge is either horribly delusional and/or baiting.

Yeah yeah I have a life totally yeah of course totally :slightly_smiling_face:

Thats alot of words just to say you disagree with the facts i provided. No opinions just facts. Love gels are easily obtainable that is a fact.

Did you even read what they wrote???

Like at all???

This cannot be bait anymore it’s just genuine stupidity :skull:

You guys arent upset with me your upset with the truth.

that sounds exactly like something the druggie homeless man would say

Correct! Except I am a fun whimsical druggie homeless man who’s secretly a mad scientist supermillionaire whereas Uchiha is actually just a druggie homeless man with several STDs

o i wasn’t talking about you i was talking about fridge, probably should’ve made that more clear lmao