Why don't PvEr's use Love Gels? (devolved into absolute chaos) (guys please stop there's 40+ edits) (what happened?)(<-- basically Fridge was being mean and so we told him to stop and he got meaner šŸ˜­) (Arcane Odyssey SUCKS!)(What the sigma?!)

they spawn everywhere where apples can spawn, except for the stepstones sky apple spawn

Bro what :skull::skull:

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I meanā€¦ we could farm themā€¦

But do I have to waste an hour just to findā€¦ what? 2 pink apples? I once tried farming them, but it does take time from doing more enjoyable things in the game, and sometimes the amount I find is abyssmal or none at all.

PvE players are people whoā€™d rather enjoy the actual PvE gameplay rather than focus on something entirely related to PvP, and Love Potions are one of those things as those are mainly used as a defense mechanism against PvP. They could look for those, but you could be doing much more things rather than apple picking. I stopped bothering tbh.

Another thing that might dissuade PvP players from farming is the knowledge that PvP players can literally NEGATE Love Potions. If the player pursuing fhem has one on hand and its of a high tier or the same tier as the one the person running away have, then theyre screwed. So whats the point of even farming Pink Apples if we know that PvPers would probably have a Love Potion ready?

THAT is why you may be seeing more PvP players use them. Because its literally fundamental for their playstyle knowing their target might have a Love Potion at hand that would make them unable to engage in combat. And since PvE players are mostly uninterested in PvP stuff and more into PvE content, then they wouldnt bother while PvP players would.

Life Remnants might be far more needed for these players, but probably Tier V if you seriously want to run away from those people (tho idk if it can be negated by another Tier V), but that would mostly depend on luck for finding them.


personaly i donā€™t have to put love gel for bunch of NPCs
because theyre easily tricked. unlike player when they can smack you from everywhere

Amazing so Iā€™m not the only one who prefers getting their items themselves instead of dealing with trading for them

I donā€™t want to come off as hostile or antagonistic but itā€™s not always easy to keep low fame when almost everything you do gives you fame, and the only way to clear it is to specifically take time to clear it at silverhold
Again not trying to be hostile or anything itā€™s just a point that should be reminded of when that argument is made (the ā€œwhy keep high fame if no want pvpā€ argument)

Yep, I understand. But what Iā€™ve been meaning to say is PvE players hates to be hunted when, specifically, they themselves said ā€œThey are grinding for fameā€ by killing npcs

Thanks for clarifying, if theyā€™re specifically grinding for fame then thatā€™s a different story where that argument has some validity imo

Though i went to 100k fame off PvE and havenā€™t been hunted nearly as often as people make it out as I should be so ig Iā€™m just lucky with my nimbus servers lol

this would be true for renown in the 100k ranges, but 300k is justā€¦ a bit much

i used to gank a lot for infamy and my bounty only ever went up to 200k before i reset it over the period of a month

Itā€™s because they are absurdly rare and tedious to find. I only have like 46, most from chests and not me scouring entire islands for just 1 apple. The best thing vetex can do is just up their rates of spawning.

Now, there will be complaints about people spamming to get out of situations, but guess what ā€” you can drink them to negate theirs. This is the closest we have to a pvp toggle and its getting busted by its rarity.

only like one person in this whole thread mentions the fact that love potions can be negated. i dont even think it has the be the same tier or higher, i think even a lvl 1 love potion is enough to block even love 5 for some time

because of this, if a pvper really wants to troll/kill you, it wont help. many bounty hunters also have love potions on standby to block the effects.

i disagree with pvers on how its hard to farm them, if you have merchant deckhand they can sell it sometimes, and you can get basically infinite pink apples for very cheap if you stay in the same server

ohā€¦life remnants on the other handā€¦yeaā€¦pretty grindy to farm

Yeah thereā€™s no way your just unintentionally getting more than 300k renown from PvE at that point you should expect hunters, but the ā€œjust reset your fameā€ thing just takes more time than it should if you keep getting hunted while just playing the game with a decent amount of fame (100k to 150k renown) just off of PvE (idrk if that sounded right hopefully it gets the point across)

Why did I read that in a stereotypical British accent

If you get lucky that is.

If the frigate gives us the option to add a 5th deckhand, then I will get one myself. But for now it basically handicaps you by not having an active deckhand skill


Let me put this in the simplest terms possible: most PVE players are casuals. We donā€™t spend ridiculous hours on an Early Access, work in progress game. Nor do many of us enjoy grinding on said game, as we are looking to get right into the enjoyable content.

We arenā€™t looking to fight other players, we arenā€™t looking to fish for several hours for Sunkens, and we sure as heck arenā€™t looking to grind some stupid apples that are useless spare making love potions. To most of us, none of these are enjoyable, nor are they worth playing Arcane Odyssey for. We play Arcane Odyssey for our own reasons, and those reasons usually do not include PVP content. This includes making gels only useful in PVP. (Because who uses love gels in PVE?)


With how much of a pain in the ass getting love potion reagents can be at time for how far out of my way I have to go to get them, I donā€™t even want to end up using them.

So they just sit in my inventory forever.

  1. Nobody wants to grind for them just because some ass wants to ruin something. It is almost equal to paying robbers to get rid of them. In most situations these gels cost more than anything you lose on death.
  1. Because LB players are cowards which are constantly circling in this area and have nothing to do except investing all their resources into getting benefits in combat. (Explanation: LBā€™s player main goal is to maintain their place or get higher on leaderboard, so they have to get these potions and teammates to progress. While PVEers main goal is to play pve part of the game doing various different things, not just farm apples).

(I was talking about LB players specificaly instead of pvp players, because they are really close to eachother in terms of getting fun and methods for that. Besides, its very rarely to see common pvp players use love gels, cuz they just donā€™t have anything to protect using them, lol)

Ofc lol, they donā€™t have much of experience or VERY USUALLY TECHNICAL ABILITIES FOR PRACTICING PVP (ping, fps and etc.). Besides, PVPers donā€™t mind backstabbing you by starting dialogue and attack you while you are typing or using any other methods of getting benefits at the start of fight. So PVEers are not ready to make an action.

PVPers usually have got their gels or potions on their hotbar, while PVEers donā€™t cuz they donā€™t use them that often.

They are. Its just you got a lot of them on old file. Even coal is easier to get, but as we know it takes multiple hours to farm it for cannoneer deckhand. 2 love gels wonā€™t do a shit, you need to keep atleast 10 of them to not farm for them everyday.

I donā€™t lol. But I have all skills maxed and very often use food and potions in fight, but I just cannot afford love gels, not even talking about protection from love gels.

You probably was trading with complete noobs, cuz practice shows that such unpopular items in trades (like common ingredients) are sold only for overpay. Cuz people have thought ā€œWait, what if I will need them someday? Nah, I wonā€™t sell them that easyā€ (And I am not joking, it is usually their answer when I ask people if they trade these items).

After writting all previous essay and editting it. I realized that this one question can be answered even easier:

PVE players lose way less than LB players on death + LB players are commonly way more experienced in those mechanics.

I believe they spawn on any island that can spawn normal apples, rarely in place of said normal apples.
Iā€™ve seen some on Dawn before.

also, theres just a really easy solution you can do other than using love gels
if you see someone with high enough renown/pkills and think your at risk, finish whatever your doing and hightail it out of that server