Why don't PvEr's use Love Gels? (devolved into absolute chaos) (guys please stop there's 40+ edits) (what happened?)(<-- basically Fridge was being mean and so we told him to stop and he got meaner 😭) (Arcane Odyssey SUCKS!)(What the sigma?!)

im pretty sure those people still wouldnt trade you a single pink apple for 5k

Thought you had gotten better man :pensive:

Bait uchiha back at it again

man saw dubious typing and immediately chose violence

the hasty generalization is actually wild lmao

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people forget they exist and lets be real its not like one guy is going to get hunted every day its usually once every so often

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Here is my actual response: The reason why PvE players “hate” love gels is because they have no use for them

The primary use of love gels is to avoid unwanted PvP fights, but it is rather difficult to get into an unwanted pve fight, unless you are in the dark sea (in which case you would be expecting it)

If you don’t want to fight someone but they are attacking you, the only thing you can do is use a love potion

If you didn’t want to do PvE, you would Simply just not go into the dark sea or not start a fight with an npc

The whole reason people use love gels is because in PvP other people can initiate the fight, whereas in PvE, the player chooses when to start, so they wouldnt need to force stop a fight because thwy chose when the fight started

Have you forgot about merchant deckhands?

Kinda worthless if you just Pve, no direct effects or buffs will be given and i ain’t doing allat for the maximum of 2 pink apples that spawn in harvest.
It’s kinda how invisibility potions is used to avoid Atlanteans, and to how love potions is to avoid pvp players.

Can’t they be negated anyways? So like unless you got t4s or t5s which are a lot harder to get, it probably isn’t too viable unless the hunter forgot to bring their own.

I make legitimate arguments and people get super defensive and make all kinda excuses T_T its not my fault

It’s been like 5 hours how do you still think you’re in the right

people don’t get “defensive” it’s called getting legitimately shocked from completely unexpected aggression

but honestly talking to you is like trying to talk to a brick wall so I’m just leaving this here with a hop skip and twirl

Pve players are simply too slow to excersise their options. Is what i got from this thread, and its not my problem you guys are the ones trying to avoid pvp not me.

Its honestly funny how much of an impact your mindset effects everything you do. You can tell what kind of person someone is when they make constant excuses. And again dont type walls of texts defending yourself T_T cuz if it didnt apply to you, you wouldn’t have to defend yourself in the first place.

Alot of people made this argument in this thread. The thing is your just being ignorant to the fact pvp even exsists. Which is not my problem thats something you guys should reflect on to benefit yourselves

You’re basically admitting you’re incapable of reading then, because even if you could argue thats what some of this meant, it is far from the only reason you’ve been given.

If you want to be seen as “in the right” or the “correct” person, I’d advise you to stop using put-downs and insults so much. Especially in your opening sentences.

Also, if you’re trying to appear serious to any capacity, use more structured sentences and better grammar.

I just see vulnerabilities and I point them out. I’d rather someone do the same to me and be honest rather sugarcoating stuff.

I get told in here all the time to improve my grammar. And I try a little at a time its just a pretty bad habit at the moment, but I’m working on it.

To be completely fair on the Itachi guy. Maybe English isn’t his first language? I could be wrong though.

No one in this thread is right or wrong everyone is getting defensive over a problem that i don’t even share with them. How they deal with their problems is up to them. However if I do see a pattern of weakness I’ll point it out. Not to make myself feel good, but so you can be aware of it. If your capable of making constant excuses of not excersising your options that would benefit you. I think it just says more about you and your mentality.

Bro I didnt make this post for a bunch of pve players to make a bunch of excuses I just wanted to point out they have options to excersise. All your guys excuses are only inhibiting you guys from avoiding from pvp not me.

the bait is so unimaginably stupid its somehow stupider than people thinking clan building isnt going to be a nightmare