Why everyone actually hates the balance team (theory)

Imagine meat riding the same bteam that passes off all acountability for their mistakes to vetex smh

WTF??? Lightnign already did shit damage… now it does light level damage??? Who the hell thought up this change?? Not even mentioning light has a self synergy

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Then nerf the synergy?
I don’t know if I’m missing anything but it seems like the obvious choice…

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Ur a C it seems

i personally just don’t think real “balance” is ever possible in this game because there’s absolutely no vision of what that actually looks like

balance team isn’t game design, and the game designer doesn’t even really want to balance

a lot of the changes just feel reactionary to whatever new bug was introduced, or someone looking at numbers that don’t “feel” right to them and getting them tweaked. it’s almost impossible for someone to define what’s the base idea for a magic & how its intended to be used with other things because there’s just so much everything can do with anything.

some stuff is just going to be unavoidably busted, and that’s fine tbh. pvp in this game isn’t particularly deep anyway


no balancing at all = unhappy players and a dead pvp scene
pvp players are mostly the ones playing inbetween updates, because you can’t “max” out your skill

im this

give me back my out of combat 2 dodge reflex please


70% of this forum moans about pvp even being in the game amongst an even larger amount of casuals that play. if pvp was the only thing keeping this game alive id be pleasantly surprised.


not the only thing, but a major factor

not really. every update’s been bringing back less players, and been dropping over time.

i think people enjoyed the world and progression much more.

like, the general playerbase. PvP in AO is so unrewarding and unencouraged you need to want to just fight people to feel rewarded, and not even tangibly! not to mention balance changes will have you wondering if you need to redo your entire build

it’s surprising for these games, but I think the average AO player will say they liked the story / world / playthrough more than say all they do is look for people to PvP all day who run away from them

honestly, I think PvP was introduced into the game too early. needed more content to flesh it out, and he’d probably give himself less headache and more update time


I hate the balance team because meta didnt respond to my dms :+1:

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the game will never ever be balanced so long as it’s not finished…once the story is complete and all of the stats/items are added, fully balancing the game could maybe happen, but then again, there are simply way too much magics, armors, weapons, synergies, etc. to keep in check


For the most part I’ve completely disconnected myself from the balance team discord server because of people “meat-riding” unnecessary or blatantly stupid balance changes. Due to this, I took some time to read the v1.16 Balance Document myself.

Addressing change with a valid reason is no stranger to team, I’m sure, but this doesn’t mean there isn’t simpler solutions to such a problem. A good solution isn’t always the best solution, and I think that’s where a lot of the “balance team hate” you discuss stems from.

I’m discussing this from my own point of view, and I honestly haven’t thought ahead enough to where I stand on your statement.

This one is a hit or a miss depending on how you interpret it, yes, alot of the Arcane Odyssey playerbase doesn’t PvP, and it’s a given that this document is tailored towards the experience of PvP players.

You stated that every balance change has a reason behind it, stated on the document, so it feels as if to me this point is just you addressing people’s incompetence to read, yet there’s more to it.

Casual players don’t have the time on their hands to constantly make new files, change their exotic enchants, and build hop as often as some others do, so it’s likely they only get to see a handful of the broken builds in the game, or a handful of the absolutely nasty builds you’ll see in ganks & clan wars.

You’re gonna call me mad, but I like when my build get’s nerfed, you’ve been in my Clan, and you know I only run builds with Lightning Magic, prior to the changes with it’s bleed synergy, I was trying out Lightning Conjurer for the first time since early summer 2023, this change on the document made me swap back to Mage, only to discover that Mage was even better than before on said update. Yes, I am picky about only using one magic, and having every build I open myself to be buffed makes it feel as if I don’t need to have any skill to PvP, which honestly, from my point of view makes the game very uninteresting (hence why I swapped to pre-spirit weapon Paladin).

I’d much rather prefer to play a really shit build and be good at it than play something “On-Meta” and have everything handed on a plate to me, and I know this goes the same for a lot of mutual friends of ours who swap builds constantly.

This is by far my least favourite part of Arcane Odyssey, be it to do with Balance Changes or features like Clans, Arcane Odyssey players act like fucking sheep and always follow hate trains, and it’s fucking pretentious and they should get a proper feel for different areas of the game before slapping their greasy PvE dick on it and saying something is hot shit.

I think the biggest examples of “following the hate train” in terms of Balancing is the changes made to various substats, namely Attack Size & Speed, and how lowering their efficiencies is a detriment to casual players, who take up a majority of the playerbase, thinking their entire build is doomed because of a % change. These same casual players are the people who detest clans because they think every single one of them are a toxic shithole filled with PvPers who embody the moral compass of a devil. It’s a good thing that these people are ignored when it comes to balancing. :heart_eyes:

To conclude, Archrono you are a goat. :goat:

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this true tho

Are you not the same motherfucker who got his facts wrong when talking about Neptune?

I’m more than sure it’s that you’re the problem for believing what you’re spoon-fed by people and that your negative outlook is purely because you’re uninvolved with one part of the community.

people in the old neptune were completely fine, in my experience.

they are all gone now though…

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yep miku clan ontop

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most of my experience with clan people were awful, not really an unpopular opinion. its only natural when a group of people are together they’re going to be toxic and more tribal minded

What is a c?

He prob meant that.