Why everyone actually hates the balance team (theory)

Im a hater for pointing out very poor character ? Tell me if b team is so good why cant they admit when they’ve atleast messed up. They always pass off accountability with excuses or blame vetex they legitamatly suck. A lot of the mistakes they make is due to poor structure theyre changing stats of the same magics that have been out for a year and a half already. any changes that are good are usuallly super obvious and are pointed out by the community anyways. We need a a better b team leader there’s a reason most of them left after nimbus and why vetex doesn’t like communicating with them. I wouldnt either if they were constantly casting off blame of their mistakes on to me.

I never said anything about the opinion’s popularity, I did however highlight that a certain sect in the community have a large density of people who believed in such, which you fall into.

Yet it also must’ve been brief if you can’t get what you’re saying about me right, or, to add a cherry to the top, you’re associating yourself with people who don’t align with the description I’m giving clans, which hence awarded you your shitty opinion of me. :skull:

So what you’re trying to say is you’ve never met a normal ass group of friends on Arcane Odyssey in the same clan? Sounds like you’re REALLY distant from the clan side of the community.

You’re following a hate train and you know it.

i dont have any opinion of you

i never said this

guess im following a hate train…:steam_locomotive:

i haven’t seen a toxic clan since paradox and that feels like it was 12 years ago



I am in fact a A. Even though I don’t hate on them because at any time they could just make the hater’s build shit and I don’t really have any power over them so I can’t really do anything.

"Ok smart guy. I’ll give you a blank balance doc, you fill it in!"oh fuck vetex is on the doc

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How do people know this???

Time for the part where I reuse this image when somebody says the PvP is keeping the game afloat.
When the update releases, I’m going to wait a couple more days and remake the big AO Combat Poll to see how much the numbers have changed.

From the numbers I already have, though.
PvP is definitely not what’s keeping this game alive, plain and simple lol.

You were in the thread where I posted this originally, so you already know all the reasons people in this game simply don’t get into PvP.
(horrible to learn, as new player unfriendly as it possibly could be, not fun for most people to learn, incredibly ping reliant, heavy meta, the game is incredibly laggy, no access to 0 stakes combat without being a tester+ for some reason, etc.)

forums are way more pve leaning because pvpers stay on discord
there’s also the fact that no true Pvp only players exist because everyone pves

As god intended :muscle:
Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 8.27.28 PM

Well, yea forums are obviously PvP leaning, look at the poll.
From what I’ve heard and personally seen throughout like 400 hours of gameplay or more, so is most of the community outside the forums too.

That’s kinda what I made the poll to find out lol.

If the general community enjoyed this game’s PvP, there would not be such a wide rift between “PvP players” and “PvE players” to warrant this poll’s creation in the first place!

130 people are 130 people.
In a game currently sitting at 1.4k concurrent players, I’d say a bit under 10% is a pretty good sample size.

I’m bored of yapping about how PvP players do actually matter you’re entitled to your own opinions and preferences

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I never said they didn’t matter, like 25% isn’t a small number.

I just said its nowhere near singlehandedly keeping the game afloat.

I didn’t say that either :+1:

they removed dodge reflexes outside of combat?!? WTF?!? Why do they hate players using attacks and stuff outside of combat to traverse faster? This is Nintendo level bullshit.


then what is wmdrayal on about with “give me back my out of combat 2 dodge reflex please”?

They reduced the amount of times you can reflex mid-air down to one