Why is earth so bad

They both always do it and it’s 33%, not 30%

notice how crystal is better at everything except speed

Thanks for the information, will correct

It’s getting a status effect, calm down.

Earth will be worse soon enough

Yes, I’m aware. That’s not the point I’m trying to make here, I realize that Earth has the edge over Crystal. The point I’m making is that he’s passing Earth off as mid-tier by saying it’s “not bad” while stating that Crystal is absolutely awful, despite Earth just being a touch better at what it does than Crystal. I’m not sure why he’s acting like there’s such a gap between the two magics.

I mean, feels like a noticeable gap, not as small as you think

Nah only Paralysis and Petrify are 33%, all bleed effects are 30%.

How Earth is better at everything except speed*

Then Meta’s doc is wrong

:earth_magic_var3: - I’m better than u

:crystal_magic_var4: - oh :frcryin:

:magma_magic: - I’m better than both of you

:earth_magic_var3: - oh :frcryin:

Either that or Trello but I feel like the Trello is more accurate on this one

Trello has been inaccurate a shit ton tho, also could’ve just been rounding.

I mean both have been inaccurate tbf, for Meta’s doc it could just be an error of assuming that they’re all 33%. I think the only accurate way is to test it but for now I can’t test it so I’m just gonna set it to be consistent with Trello until further notice.

Actually nevermind I got some information from a place that confirms that the Trello is wrong here.

I was just about to test it with wood* on 104 glass canon power since it does 31% of the default level 90 hp.

I mean we do a similar thing with other magics. Water deals 2.7% more than Explosion with 5% more speed. Water is top-tier, Explosion isn’t. Earth deals 2.5% more than Crystal with 13% more size. You could argue that they’re still equal since Crystal has an 8% speed advantage but honestly using both of them Earth feels much smoother. Speed differences between 2 magics that are already slow feel minor. Size still feels much different.

I’d say at the least Earth is like 1 tier above Crystal but I wouldn’t put it any further apart than like 2 tiers if you stretch it.


I know crystal is getting buffed im saying its the worst rn did I not mention I know crystal is getting buffed??

The worst magic rn is snow, magma has better clears than it and it’s just so mediocre and useless without 2nd magic

Wood is worse rn imo