Why prodigy build will suck IMO

This is longer than I thought it would be. I mourn the loss of suggestions to dump all of my garbage ideas. :sweat:

Yeah back in the day dumbass always thought having balanced stats were good

I remember always attempting to balance my stuff in RPGs while I was young. Honestly I still do but I gravitate to a single playstyle now.

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Yeah same here although tbf most of the games I play having balanced stats didn’t really change too much

if the leveling system gave one stat for each category the builds woulda been insanely varied and a lot more powerful

Would have thought the same but stuff are planned so I’m more confident it won’t be so bad.

Really doubt it’s that difficult and this is assuming you’re using every tool at your disposal and not adjusting for situation or using better tools than some of the ones you have.

Hotbar is simple, anyone who’s played old-style magic games has had at least like 6 spells in their hotbar and sometimes even more (like 7-9). The major concern is having so many different spells tied to each tool, not the tool count.

You may not have space for everything but that ties into my next point:
You can use everything at your disposal but that doesn’t that it’s effective to use everything or even that it’s effective to use certain magics or certain weapons at all, ever.

Even so you can probably organize your spells and skills for appropriate situations to make it less chaotic (e.g. have all movement spells on Light or smth).

Another assumption is that we’re even getting all 5 magics and all fighting styles with Prodigy.

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what is that game

A school math game called prodigy

That logic is so fucking flawed

Would someone with 1999 points in magic and 1 point in vitality all of a sudden stop being Mage???

What if a prodigy had 1100 magic, 300 vitality, 300 strength, and 300 weapons???

Would they be mage or prodigy or a hybrid class?

Also since Inferno said savants can be 3 stat builds, what if a savant was 1000 weapons, 500 vitality, and 500 strength?

Would that suddenly be Warrior??


called it

I meant the ones that were said on the trello, as the hybrid builds on it were said to be two things. I ran calculations in my head and got those numbers what else do you expect me to say? Obviously you dont just do those ones theres many other possibilities, i meant the main ones.


level’s got a point

no shit

You can just like it instead of quoting the entire post.

He’s not looking for an answer, he’s looking for attention.

People call me a troll but my guy literally mentions my name on multiple posts, practically every day

thats cool and all but maybe i’m also trolling

but otherwise hello chat

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