Why Rogue Lineage is a Top-Tier Game

No levels, requires actual skill, if bad, so sad, skill ISSUE.
Boredom post.


prepare to get smitten

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Trust me, i’m prepared to get shitted on. Personally, i like rogue, i’ve gotten many ultras and uber classes, i j wanna see other ppls opinions.

shits fun til you get to the exploiters and false bans
idk about the meta rn but throughout the entire time ive been on rogue its been absolutely dogshit
i just hate how they abandoned everything that made the game unique and turned it into a tales of the valley type shit and 100% dedicated to pvp

actually fuck it heres some screenshots because i found some



…don’t you mean smited?

fuck right i’m a dumbass

here’s why i asked


that’s tuff
also TFTV was good fuck you mean?

TFTV was good but turning rogue into another variant of TFTV was not a good idea as it broke everything that rogue was meant to be

also i forgot to mention the dogshit mods

Which was?

not a rhetorical question btw i’m asking out of curiousity, wasn’t one of the og players

also yeah mods are dogshit, luckily i have extreme luck

Rogue Lineage was meant to be an experience that would continuously keep you on edge because of the dangerous environment. Back in the old days whenever you would encounter a player in the tundra for example both of you would be like “don’t you fucking dare attack me or we’re both gonna die.” The tundra was meant to be one of the many dangerous environments in the game. Rogue wasn’t supposed to be a PVP only game whatsoever. PVP was just meant to be for faster progression rather than the only decent way to gain orderly/chaotic karma. Rogue at the moment is just a class based pvp game with less options and more inconvenient. There barely any proper PVE like there was supposed to be. Khei’s PVE is utter dogshit unbalanced. Rogue’s environment was supposed to make it difficult to survive which should explain to you why the description was “Players will progress by learning new abilities and trying to best their previous characters. Forge houses with your friends to take control of cities, or stick it out alone. Tackle injuries, diseases, and trauma as you struggle to survive in this testament to pain.”
In the current Rogue Lineage, surviving isn’t a struggle. You can’t learn many new abilities just classes. You can’t control cities. The only variant of trauma is stupid. There are no diseases. Rogue was literally meant to be another game completely, which should explain to you why the races change when you go to Khei for a bullshit excuse.
What I expected from rogue before update ultimate was a PVP game with tons of new abilities and mysterious places and secrets to discover. The community was hunting for new information in a massive information discord. The only secrets in rogue anymore are just dogshit edicts which were just another way of increasing the gap between normal players and those related to mods. Even if unintentional. Rogue’s giant map was supposed to get expanded a lot more. Notice how thin it is especially in the middle? The Gem Sea was supposed to have sharks or some shit to make it difficult to travel and to add to that element of danger.
The environment was supposed to be extremely dangerous outside of the areas you would regularly spawn in, which would have made travelling actually dangerous. Travelling right now is a literal walk in the park unless you’re near players or are in the tundra.


Idk but that sounds way more fun than Rogue right now, especially since PvE stuff is the reason why I liked AA (even though it didn’t have much of it tbh) and why I’m excited for both Deepwoken and AO.

It’s one of the reasons I don’t like Rogue, basically all the difficulty comes from the playerbase. In comparison to getting ganked, there is literally nothing else in the game even close to being that difficult except Tundra. It’s like the game lazily allows the playerbase to make the difficulty for it.

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well hey, apparently they’re making DeepWoken
apparently that’s s’posed to be good.

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sussy topics
i just- coincidence?

nah fam, Alv did a reddit moment and made a seperate thread countering this clear satire

still don’t understand the hype for it.

have they atleast replaced the shit mods because if they haven’t its just going to be the same thing over no matter how well the game is designed.

well i don’t fucking know
ask the dickheads who won’t fucking shut up about it

Nonetheless, I enjoyed rogue, from getting my ultra, to getting dwelled on in dpit, I’ve made my closet friends on rogue.

And personally, even tho everyone hates khei, I fucking love it.
What other damn game do you get to ride a dragon? Where you get to fly with a mage stick? Or have a semi teleport for your dash? The game is overall cool asf, nonetheless it NOT being abt survival, but being about difficult progression and PvP, the game is still fun.