Why Rogue Lineage is terrible

Don’t get me wrong, I want to like Rogue. I come back to it frequently. Each time I play, I enjoy exploring the world. Sometimes, I have a good fight. However, I’m always confronted with a major problem with the game: the complete lack of restrictions on who can fight who.

I understand that this is the thing that makes the game special. I even enjoy the game more because of it at times. However, it’s not good. It turns solo progression into a “hope you don’t run into a Gaia Dweller” simulator.

To explain why I think it singlehandedly ruins the game, here’s an example scenario. Imagine you’re fairly early in the game. You’re currently trying to get a class, it doesn’t really matter which. You round a corner, and suddenly run into a very powerful player. They are basically as strong as they can possibly be. Here are your options in this situation:

  1. Attempt to fight them. You’ll die in seconds.
  2. Attempt to run. If they’re merciful, they’ll let you go. However, if they want to kill you, they can easily catch up.
  3. Try and log before they attack you. If you manage to log before they hit you, you will escape. However, if they hit you before you log, not only will you lose the life you’re currently on, but you will also be given insanity. If they’re anywhere near you, there’s no way this will work.

All of these options are terrible. This situation is extremely dire, and will probably result in your character losing a life. Now, how could you have avoided this? Here are a few options for you:

  1. Alt farming:
    This lets you get whatever class you want much more easily! Just skip the progression!

  2. Exploiting:
    This lets you defeat any player with ease! Just skip the battle!

  3. Join a house:
    Get carried by a bunch of sweaty tryhards who enjoy sucking the fun out of games. Win without even playing!

If you don’t want do any of these things, have fun dying at random times due to reasons completely out of your control. This isn’t even my only reason for disliking the game, but that’s enough ranting for now. Create Topic.


TL:DR get good


Honestly, I want to play since the exploration seems good, but it seems so cut-throat it’s the only “hard” PvP game I can think of.

remember to always think of solutions if you’re gonna rant about something
anyways deepwoken stuff

  • power levels heavily toned down
  • skilled freshies can fight powerful players and win
  • alt farming taken notice and removed
  • better exploit protection in dw (like bro they don’t update their exploit protection since they working on deepwoken)

now for even more rogue problems you haven’t mentioned (removed/fixed in deepwoken)

  • gelidus spam literally insta kills just by getting hit a couple of times
  • artifacts are insanely op and just help so much
  • boring ass progression of doing the same things over and over
  • day farming, waiting for hour(s) just to do something
  • infinites/one combos, mainly khei but yea holy shit what the fuck theres so many
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incest in family = rogue lineage
and that is terrible
= reason why rogue lineage is terrible :mariomug:

I totally expect Deepwoken to be great tbh. Gameplay looks way more solid than Rogue’s.

Now, one question; Is it still gonna be spellspam up into the 0 slot, or more driven on 1-6 slots?
Asking because I can’t fucking fathom swapping to 7 or higher keys. I tried to once, it’s cancer without scrollwheel hotbar swapping like in Minecraft.

These are hard problems, too lazy to come up with solutions. Also, to be clear, I’m not completely writing Deepwoken off.

Yes im sorry i have a skill issue I should have learned to fight ultra clas tryhard using only fists and no armor

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You’ll use spells with 1-8 (well one slot for weapon i guess too)

what if i told you, you can be actually related to others in deepwoken now (aunt/uncle, brother/sister, etc.)

Will it be paid access?


damn :flushed: da salad cat spitting mad facts doe


quite the fax here

even when you do get to ultra or uber classes the game still sucks lol, the pvp in the game is dog shit and i wonder if they actually took any of it into consideration

yea thats right step siblings may exist

Dear god...

idk man sounds like a massive skill issue

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skill non-issue