Will you press it?

Tbh I would most likey die. But let’s just say the fire was like 1000 meters away then sure maybe

yes, 1 stud is 5 centimeters, robloxians are 5 studs tall

can’t wait to fight a dragon with my fists. wish me luck!

ye. but only at the nearest respawn pad

so how do you plan on beating ur pfp

I won’t. I’m not pressing that button


for me as of right now, I can probably beat this naked 4 year old child to death within seconds.

isaac only has 3 hits base form anyways

well enjoy beating a child. Until you change your pfp again of course. then we’ll see.


free money?

I win

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Already mentioned it but my pfp is just a low effort drawing of myself, free cash ngl because we’d both realize what splitting the bill is

I’m just a giant letter C, idk how hard it is to fight. :person_shrugging:

Tactical Nuke… Incoming…
alarm sounds
“ez ez skill issue ez ez”



id feel bad about beating up arthur fleck but afterwards id give him the help he deserves
Image result for arthur fleck

So death…

Or if we do my discord pfp again death

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Put your grasses on

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nothing will be wrong

I can beat 2 letters