Winged Warriors: Possible Balancing Feedback?

Current game with the early combat: Winged Warriors Combat Test/Feel/Demo - Roblox

Why are some spells not aligned with your character?

This happens because of client-server network delay. Your serversided position (what everyone else sees) is delayed. If I wanted to, I could “fix” this but what the client sees is no longer the truth (in a way). i fucking swear if a player complains “why didnt this hit???” or something…

Why are the pillars on a trip?
I did this for fun. :wink:

Why are there weird messages around the map?
I added them for fun. :wink:



Shoot a magical ball.
Windup: 0.2s
Size: 30x30x30 (sphere)
Speed: 500
Damage: 15
Block Damage: 10
Mana Cost: 40
Cooldown: 3s

Fire a stream of magic in front of you like a flamethrower.
Windup: 0.2s
Size: 12.5x30x12.5 to 50x150x50 across 0.375 seconds
Damage: 30/s
Block Damage: 20/s
Mana Cost: 60/s
Cooldown: N/A (toggle)

Shoot 20 magic bullets.
Windup: 0.3s
Speed: 500
Size: 12x12x12 (sphere)
Damage: 2/bullet
Block Damage: 4
Mana Cost: 10/bullet
Cooldown: 4s

Summon a giant magic pillar and crush your targets.
Windup: 0.2s
Size: 10x20x20 to 400x20x20 across 0.25s (cylinder)
Damage: 40
Block Damage: 40
Mana Cost: 160
Cooldown: 6s

Release magic energy around you, damaging everyone inside
Windup: 0s
Size: 40x40x40 to 80x80x80 across 0.2s (sphere)
Damage: 6
Block Damage: 5
Mana Cost: 40
Cooldown: 0.1s

Summon a long magical hand to grab enemies towards you.
Windup: 0.2s
Size: 4x11x11 to 404x11x11 across 0.5s
Damage: 0
Mana Cost: 80
Cooldown: 4s

Summon a constantly firing magical beam to decimate targets.
Windup: 0.2s
Size: ???x12x12
Damage: 25/s
Block Damage: 25/s
Mana Cost: 100/s
Cooldown: N/A

Temporarily do 1.25x damage and regenerate magic energy at 1.25x speed for up to 20 seconds and then lose health.
Windup: 0s
Duration: Up to 20 seconds
Health Loss: Depends (damage scales linearly, having it on for the full 20s is 20% lost, having it on for half the time (10s) is 10% lost)
Cooldown: Same as how long you had it active



  • Damage: 0.7x (ice is 1.2)
  • Speed: 1x (ice is 0.6)
  • Size: 1.5x (ice is 1.55)
  • Mana Cost: 0.8x (0.9x for ice variant)
  • Cooldown: 1x
  • Physical/Elemental Damage Ratio: 95%/5% (ice is 90%/10%)
  • Special Status Effect: Slowness (-25% flight speed for 5 seconds)
  • [Ability] Extinguish (remove fire DoT instantly)

“for those who would like a rather well rounded element”


  • Damage: 0x (DoT of 2x damage)
  • Speed: 1.5x
  • Size: 1.7x
  • Mana Cost: 0.7x
  • Cooldown: 0.8x
  • Physical/Elemental Damage Ratio: 0%/100%
  • Can only defend against fire moves with shield (almost like no shield spell)
  • No Grab Spell
  • No Knockback
    “for those who like AoE, are patient for DoT, and like crowd control/wars/pressure”


  • Damage: 1.5x
  • Speed: 0.7x
  • Size: 1.3x
  • Mana Cost: 1x
  • Cooldown: 1.1x
  • Physical/Elemental Damage Ratio: 100%/0%
    “for those who like slow but high damage/high aoe”


  • Damage: 0.5x
  • Speed: 1.7x
  • Size: 1.9x
  • Mana Cost: 0.7x
  • Cooldown: 0.8x
  • Physical/Elemental Damage Ratio: 100%/0%
  • Shield is only 90% damage reduction instead of 100%
  • [Ability] Wind Support (0.25x stamina loss from all sources, 1.125x fly speed, 0.25x fall damage, drain magic energy while active)
  • [Ability] Dash (dash while flying with wind magic)
  • [Ability] Extinguish (remove fire DoT instantly)
    “for those who like AoE, crowd control/wars/pressure, and agility”


  • Damage: 1.7x
  • Speed: 2.2x
  • Size: 0.5x
  • Mana Cost: 1.1x
  • Cooldown: 1x
  • Physical/Elemental Damage Ratio: 0%/100%
  • Special Status Effect: Stun (unable to move or fly or cast spells for 0.5 seconds)
  • Can only defend against lightning moves with shield (almost like no shield spell)
  • No Grab Spell
  • No Knockback
    “for those with good aim/snipers who think AoE is for skill issues”


  • Damage: 0.75x
  • Speed: 2.6x
  • Size: 1.4x
  • Mana Cost: 0.9x
  • Cooldown: 0.9x
  • Physical/Elemental Damage Ratio: 0%/100%
    “you like speed and speed only”


  • Damage: 0.9x (DoT of +0.3x damage)
  • Speed: 1x
  • Size: 1x
  • Mana Cost: 0.9x
  • Cooldown: 0.9x
  • Physical/Elemental Damage Ratio: 90%/10%
    “for those who like somewhat fast attacks and DoT”


  • Damage: 1x
  • Speed: 0.9x
  • Size: 1.2x
  • Mana Cost: 0.9x
  • Cooldown: 1x
  • Physical/Elemental Damage Ratio: 90%/10%
  • Special: Lifesteal (heal 10% of damage dealt)
    “for those who like slightly slower but slightly harder hitting attacks, also with lifesteal”

(for the future, refer to Winged Warriors Info Dump - Bulletin Board - Developer Forum | Roblox because that post will always have the most updated info)

What do you think the most overpowered spell?
  • Ball
  • Cone
  • Bullets
  • Pillar
  • Retaliate
  • Grab
  • Beam
  • Overdrive
0 voters
What element would you pick?
  • Water
  • Fire
  • Terra
  • Wind
  • Lightning
  • Equinox
  • Flora
  • Fauna
0 voters

if i had to pick an element, i really cant decide ngl because im torn between equinox, water, lightning, wind, and fauna (my god that’s 5 elements out of 8).

equinox has low damage but is the fastest.
water has lower damage than equinox but at least it has a heavy hitting variant (can toggle to ice and back) and slowness.
lightninghas high damage and high speed and stun but i really want the shield spell.
fauna has lifesteal.
wind has really low damage but cool agility buffs.


  • nerf cone range/hitbox (-)
  • nerf cone damage (→20/s) (-)
  • add a limit as to how long cone/beam can be active (→6s) (-)
  • fix grab not working if your opponent isn’t flying (it doesn’t work because the grab stops upon hitting a part) (//)
  • nerf retaliate damage (→5) (-)
  • increase retaliate cooldown (-)
  • nerf pillar damage (-)
  • decrease pillar cooldown (+)
  • buff beam damage (+)
  • nerf beam size (-)
  • buff bullet damage (→4) (+)
  • decrease bullet mana cost (→8/bullet) (+)
  • increase overdrive health loss (→25%) (-)
  • increase overdrive cooldown (→ duration_active + 1s) (-)

(-) = nerf
(+) = buff
(//) = bug fix
(=) = sidegrade (not necessarily buff/nerf)

1 Like
  1. When on ground, the projecltes R, G don’t ever fire while standing. Might be because of this arrow or something. Unsure

Ball: For me it feels balanced

Cone: This feels pretty op, the range is pretty big and I feel like the hitbox should be slightly smaller, and the damage should be decreased to about 20/s with mana being drained a little faster, about 80/s. Cone should also last for about 5 - 7 seconds before going on cooldown

Range of the cone

Bullets: Make this cost less mana than usual and slightly increase the damage to about 4 damage a bullet, basically an upclose punisher is what I feel it’d be

Pillar: Increase windup by 0.3s, decrease damage by 30. decrease cooldown by 5s. Remove blocky physics (you can walk on it and stuff)

Retaliate: Increase the cooldown to about 0.1 seconds + increase in cooldown the more its used → 1 second cooldown cap, and decrease the damage to about 5. (It’s spamable and you can easily be punished by it. Increase mana drain by 50

Grab: Bugged? (Doesn’t work)

Beam: Basically just cone, but if this is like an ultimate ability. This should be given a cooldown and how long it can be used for. Feels OP to use and could be used as some sort of finisher. (slight damage increase) (Slightly harder to aim aswel, making cone little more superior)

Overdrive: Increase health loss by 5% upon deactivating it instantly upon activation, give it a slightly longer cooldown upon deactivating it at the start as it can somehow be abusable if the person is quick enough. As in using overdrive and immediately use an ability and disabling it. (Basically lower mana cost and lower health loss

This also makes moves like cone/retaliate overpowered

im gonna limit cone and beam to 6 seconds of activation before cooldown

rn it only works if your opponent is also flying (im gonna change/fix that)

true (i might make it so that the ball/bullets are offset on top of you if you’re on the ground)

Both beam and cone are ridiculously strong

also retaliate is spammable.

grab only works on flying people.

I would pick explosion but since I cant then lightning

Is cone supposed to outclash everything?

what is fauna magic themed around, is it like life magic?

idk tbh

I haven’t played
First thing when I do play Roblox, I’ll try it out.
Maybe for an hour or two

Gonna bookmark

I suggest adding “dummies” around the map for satisfaction and stuff. Destroyyyyyy
Maybe on each spire? some spires? on the ground maybe

i guess i could, but the current code doesnt allow players to damage npcs rn so this will take some time

reason: the server checks if the player is blocking, and only real players have the blocking variable or something

This was actually a pretty good demo .3.

image Flying off into the sunset~

Of course still barebones atm but defintely has the potential to be a fun game once more stuff has been added


  • Beam is ridiculously op:
    Either increase mana drain, or decrease dmg

  • Pillar is kinda useless :frowning:

  • Flight breaks after a while, not sure if this is the cause:

  • Retaliate needs a buff if that hasn’t been said yet. Either buff it’s damage or increase it’s knockback to give it viability

beam is 100% getting nerfed

uhh think of it as beam in AO? pillar is weird rn

As far as I know it doesn’t seem to do dmg when I tested it. Maybe I missed something?

I played yesterday and it did damage, but it didn’t do damage whenever it was outclashed by cone

im gonna make it so that cone cant outclash anything (clashing in my game is really weird)

ngl i kinda want to allow cone and beam to be on for an infinite amount of time but i gotta nerf the damage

how should i change beam

  • same/higher damage but can only be active for a limited amount of time
  • less damage but can be active for as long as you want/have mana

0 voters

Cant wait to going 100m above ground and firind beam untill all mana is gone

Imo moves shouldn’t have long cooldowns in exchange for more power. All that does is incentivize players to use the moves whenever possible, and just rotate between the same set of moves, instead of having to make a choice when to use a move and which move to use. No move should be so op that a cooldown is the only thing preventing you from spamming it