Winged Warriors: Possible Balancing Feedback?

this is not complete lol, or is this a future heads up

is it just the ui right now

no but the elements actually work rn (except their special effects)

that’s good enough

i might wait for more people to vote tho

(edit: nvm)

oh shit shield is bugged (shield damage reduction or shit was determined by the ATTACKER’S element, not the TARGET’S element)

slight update i guess:

  • you can see what element you currently have
  • buffed block health regeneration speed by 8x

retaliate changes:

  • changed retaliate damage to 20 (buff)
  • changed retaliate cooldown to 2s (nerf)
  • changed retaliate max size to 80 (buff)
  • tween time for retaliate between 4 size and 80 size is 0.5 instead of 0.25 (nerf)

i might rename retaliate and overdrive

retaliate → ???
  • [keep same name as before]
  • release
  • burst
  • aura
  • surround
  • [other]

0 voters

reasons for renaimg retaliate: sounds a little odd

ovedrive → ???
  • [keep same name as before]
  • power-up
  • super mode
  • focus
  • adrenaline
  • overflow
  • abundance
  • [other]

0 voters

reason for renaming overdrive: translations kinda fuck up

Is the stat difference between the elements too small, good, or too wide?

Lowest Damage: 0.5x | Highest Damage: 1.5x (no DoT) or 2x (with DoT) (diff: 1 or 1.5)
Lowest Speed: 0.75x | Highest Speed: 2.5x (diff: 1.75)
Lowest Size: 0.75x | Highest Size: 1.875x (diff: 1.125)

Longest Cooldown: 1.125x | Shortest Cooldown: 0.75x (diff: 0.375)
Most Expensive Mana Cost: 1.125x | Cheapest Mana Cost: 0.75x (diff: 0.375)
Worst Shield Damage Reduction: 62.5% | Best Shield Damage Reduction: 100% (diff: 37.5)

  • too small
  • good enough
  • too wide

0 voters

if too small, then increase stat difference (first 3 stats) by…
  • ~0.125
  • ~0.25
  • ~0.375
  • ~0.5+

0 voters

if too big, then decrease stat difference (first 3) by…
  • ~0.125
  • ~0.25
  • ~0.375
  • ~0.5+

0 voters

the problem is that speed is only relevant for a few spells but damage affects all spells

i might replace retaliate with a spell that allows you to summon a lingering part in the air

also what should the cone range scaling formula be (math warning)?

  1. (Size_X, Size_Y * ((ElementSpeed + 1)/2), Size_Z) * ElementSize
  2. (Size_X * ElementSize, Size_Y * ((ElementSpeed + ElementSize)/2), Size_Z * ElementSize)

examples (64 is default 1x range):

fire range, formula 1: 64 * 1.5 * ((1.25 + 1)/2) = 108 (1.25 speed, 1.5 size)
fire range, formula 2: 64 * ((1.25 + 1.5)/2) = 88 (1.25 speed, 1.5 size)

note: Size_X and Size_Z is the side hitbox/aoe, while Size_Y is the range

which formula
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

how fast does the character move

80 studs per second, 60 while casting a spell (example: cone)

Sometimes pillar doesn’t do damage for some reason

it’s because of how the pillars work (the pillar itself doesn’t do damage and it’s only a part at the end of it)

beam detonates ball and bullets when it makes contact with them

should i remove that feature


i just realized that cone in winged warriors is literally surge in AO lol

winged warriors/arcane odyssey spell equivalent:

ball | blast
cone | surge
bullets | 20 blast
retaliate | self-explosion
grab | N/A
beam | 20% spread surge
overdrive | aura/focus

also btw im renaming ball → blast and cone → flamethrower

If I’m paid maybe :3

Grab | Snare?

It pulls them towards you though