Wish To Speak With SunCry

not in this community you shouldn’t


Ok I’ll take your advice. Also I can normally I can get super op trades by bargaining, but I can’t on this forum.

Too little items of value, too much people with trading skills.

most people here aren’t gullible, you gotta get the newgens in game for that

They don’t have anything worth it

one of the most sensible things you’ve said

true, you just gotta find a returning player with something like headless and doesn’t know what it’s worth, or a newgen that got extremely lucky with sunkens and is willing to trade it for boss drops. extremely rare so i understand if you don’t get these


I genuinely fear this because I may just be the least memorable forum regular there is lol.

at least my death would be quick

you cant be as irrelvant as me

I mean I’m the funny equinox person.

hello, unfortunately i’ve already claimed this title, you can take 2nd least memorable


And me

Hmmm? Who was this i must have a word with them :pray:


Ghost said so

ez cope

VDuid pog gib badge plz

Ghost you dont have to be in the ingame guild to have the badge + your not in it either + youve only been there for nearly 3 months, whereas ive been there for years

pretty sure everyone that has the badge is and was in the ingame guild at one point…