Wood Elemental: The Cherry Elk

Part of the Magic Elementals (Open Art Collab) series. If you’re an interested forum artist hmu.

Process Video (may be loud)

Bestiary Entry

The Wood Elk is supremely territorial and protective of others in its herd. They will let out loud cries as a warning to both other bulls and any creature perceived as a threat, including humans. They come in all sorts of similar fruit-bearing tree variants like apple, peach, etc, but the cherry elk is most common. They live in large forested areas where they remain in groups of their own gender for most of the year.

Both genders maintain beautiful antlers of bark, however blossoms only appear on males in spring and summer as a means of attracting cows (females). In a battle for attention, the males will attempt to strip the other of as many blossoms as they can, so having larger horns typically is a sign of a mature male with better odds. The females, on the other hand, bear small fruits that provide nourishment for their calves, of which they will have one per season.

If you haven't already you should read the bestiary entry, I really like this one


Luckily I still have my last like

aye, thanks for liking my post then!

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The art is fucking amazing, and I love the beastiary entry parts of these posts

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I’m so glad you enjoy them! The bestiary entries are super fun to make, so it’s great that you like them as much as I do

I forgot to add these extras

Purple Acid Salamander

Venom Basilisk

Gamma Plasma Pegasus

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:wood_magic_var1: :hungry:

tragedy told in 3 emojis

:paper_magic_var2: :hungry:


:wood_magic_var3: :hungry:



W o o d

w h y

:wood_magic_var1:- my goals are beyond your comprehension

dnc, don’t necro bump posts


It’s been 30 minutes, this is a necrobump ig

tbh i was expecting to see you when i suddenly saw this one the front page again
(gosh 8 months already huh)

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