World of Magic 2

dawg what

the relics sell for 75 galleons

yeah…It shows value of 300, but all itesm are sold for 75% of their price.

How is the chat going?

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very hyped

75% of 300 is 225 though
unless you meant 75% less in that case 25% of their value


It’s going good my friend


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i cant wait to do that. Im level 150 sadly but will grind

Sorry for necro but I’m finally doing bigger nukes than the guy in the video above

“Welcome to the arena I am the boss”

i will become zeus

Do armor/amulets stats scale with level (or are upgradable infinitely) or can you only get amulets to 200 and no more?

I worded this horribly but basically is there a cap to stuff like magic speed due to upgrading stopping or is it infinite

i’m trying to see if sunkens are uncapped but i do know that most items are capped at level 200, such as amulets or old weapons

an exception to this, however, is the mino set, which, so far, i have upgraded to level 260 (iirc) and it’s still upgradeable

also, for some reason, the visterian spear caps at level 100

Man why didn’t he just remove their caps

idk but i don’t wanna see how much it costs to upgrade a vastira at level 1000 :sob:

also the other stats that aren’t power and def SHOULD scale better at higher levels

when i get to level 1000 i’m changing to a speed build

That’s my future plan, light magic + magic speed until the cap for magic speed