World of Magic 2

world of enogagawoobiebieblinkblonkdinkleschlorp

World of Farm

omg a charge that’s not a particle

World of OLEG

ultimate arts are very useful.
hover spell i love it.
flight and mode spells for some reason dont work for me (at least yet).
leveling up is still takes too much time.
enemies like wizards can combo attack you (well this is not surprising).
there is no over 100+ level items that are more useful than 50+ level items.
for some reason killing npcs is more productive than doing quests.
first time when i joined WoM2 i saw man who speedruned up to level 100 in less than a hour (probably hacker).
reached level 150.
damage like level 90 with full power set.
health 1000+.
a lot of magic energy that gets wasted in 3 second.
more of stamina but nothing really changed.
killing enemies with a lot of health helps (like heros or villains).
pvp still unlocked at level 45 so thats means you are in danger.
game is still fun :+1:

also Ezia plays/played WoM2

That’s not a charge that’s a mode smh

thank goodness it wasnt just me it felt like something different about the aura changed for me as ur level goes up

i think it changes everytime you get a new wizard rank

Interesting, will someone last to lvl 1k?


So adept and advanced are 2 we know, are there any above that?

Proof of advanced btw

F - Starter
E - Noice
D - Apprentice
C - Adept
B - Advanced
A - ???
S(?) - ??


S = legendary wizard I think

what’s the actuall cup? 1k or 10k?

just unlocked mode and its sexy af i wish i could show but idk how to convert files


Im honestly scared about the NPCS
They scale on the players level right?

Pretty sure they have a set range

Im pretty sure all structures and enemy npc’s are tied to quests.