King Head Silver
Just unlocked flight spell.
On lvl 150 its enough to travell ~100 m
I love finding no defense amulets!!
Its random drop btw
i’m considering going for paper instead of light
it appears that ive found yet another bug that makes me shit paper AND its stackable which is making me Him
Why wouldn’t they reach lvl 10 000 instead of 100?
LOL, well, paper is expensive so you are rich now.
even after death… the constipation curse will continue to the ends of time.
found this somewhere
this server is now slowly decaying to lag due to my own bug and fucking around/finding out, sorry whoever inhabits this server
ash magic particles appear to be broken
He could barely get an axe throw off damn
I did this at like level 150 but i just charged the ultimate rather than using mode cos it ended up doing more damage and i finished off mino in one move.