World of Magic is terribly designed compared to AA

and one last thing
can we not fucking go on a 5 paragraph oxford level essay rant about how wrong this person is
i’m fucking sick and tired of it

If you don’t want to read a post then don’t read a post.

No one is holding you at gunpoint and forcing you to read through every argument on the forums.

i just don’t want flamewars m8

i’m tired of people using threads like these as their shitty arguments for how this community is dogshit
so let’s settle down and not go fucking ballistic

Haven’t seen any insults being thrown around, so I don’t see the harm.

Not what this was about.

i don’t care if the game is getting revamped i just don’t want another “just about the worst rpg i’ve played” affair going on


People were more “Nobler” in a sense in AA idk. People usually did 1v1s, wars, and tournaments for infamy with the only real ganking was people in Savaria. In WoM it’s all about talking to a dude and spamming an ice multi blast in the rain while they’re typing.

Some invis guild talked to me then multi blasted me in the rain with ice so I can confirm synergies/environment matter a lot unless there was a way for me to efficiently beat him with explosion after being frozen/unfrozen/refrozen stopping all my momentum. I high jumped but I just get blasted after going near the ground when he shoots opposite of me(You said it was getting fixed though, which is nice).

It’s far from the worst, it’s just odd because you’ll have fun for the first 10 hours and then be absolutely appalled to playing it.


A lot is wrong about this post imo, but I’m too tired to rebuttal

thats because you are COMPLETELY correct, Vetex plans to abandon the current concept for AO, and turn it into AA but better

honestly this is by far one of the worst times to post something like this

the community is on edge and the game is getting the biggest overhaul in roblox game history because big v is aware that the game is shit

And none of these easily fixable, “superficial” issues are being fixed in AO, or any other planned update.

The overwhelming retoric in these threads is “AO will fix everything”, but AO isn’t fixing guilds, or many other lacking areas of the game. It’s not adding content to play with friends (it’s actively removing the ability to fight story bosses together), and it’s not making the PvE any more engaging (threats are removed, and instead of fetch quests we just grind a preset group of NPCs depending on our level, over and over just like in every other simulator game).

Solutions for none of this is planned. Vetex hasn’t and has no plans to rework guild progression, or add significant rewards or content for playing with friends. Building forts out of prefabs is not a reason to play with your friends, it’s a reason to own a guild. That’s different.

If a massive varied continent, with randomly generated shifting landmarks and minibosses and NPC encounters and hidden chests and surprise encounters with other players that you can’t see from literal miles away wasn’t interesting, what makes you think “turn your boat to avoid the insert sea obstacle/collect the insert sea item” will be?
Boat travel is going to be boring, no matter how many sea events vetex adds. AO, like WoM and every other game, is going to have its own flaws, and dismissing discussion of all the game’s flaws because AO fixes some of them is daft.


Quick poll:

Is WoM good or bad?
    • its the best
    • its good
    • it has its flaws but it’s still decent
    • not bad, but AO is better
    • its not good
    • it’s bad
    • it’s trash
    • it’s pp do doo fart

0 voters


Wom is an unfinished game, and it would’ve definetly had some form of region capturing which would make it on par with AA. Also guilds aren’t just about internet points. some of them are for the community.

I use explosion, and I’m far off in pvp, so skilllllll isssueeee compadre go choose shadow

The NPCs in this game give it life and the design of both bosses are just incredible to me. Also in this paragraph u just described why this game is getting a revamp so meh.

Conclusion: Vetex has grown extremely since AA and this game has so many great things to it despite the bad stuff. AO is definitely going to deliver well. And finally, there’s no other way to say this, you have a skill issue.

yea i agree with everything you said, cheese’d to meet you by the way. a big chunk of the game is mindless grinding or tasks and it chips away at my soul: exploration isn’t really encouraged, fishing makes me want to kill myself, xp leveling is a chore, and getting the right enchants require gambling your time everytime. i also have a real big gripe with synergies, especially negative synergies. i feel like it doesn’t make the game any more challenging or fun, it just makes it more limiting to players who are just trying to play with their friends.

magic looks cool tho


Everything you’re saying is so, just, no.

From my knowledge, that’s just AA pvp without Ults and Fighting Styles, OH WAIT, FIGHTING STYLES ARE COMING IN TGR, THAT’LL MAKE PVP FUN.

One word; TGR

I disagree with this statement, no matter what viewpoint you’re at, WoM is still an amazing game, you just didn’t have the time to feel that.

Magics are meant to have their own visible strengths and weaknesses in certain varied categories, yes, this does make a few better than the others, but that doesn’t limit people to only choosing what’s best, as people have something called free will.

Yeah, that’s synergies, it encourages teamwork, and is a fun game mechanic, obviously you’ve always been the victim of a Flaming Ash Cloud or an Electrified Water Puddle, because synergies are by far the best feature in WoM. And those so called ‘bad’ magics, which aren’t meta, also have good synergies? Your point contradicts the statement I just quoted, next time look prior into something before ranting the fuck on about it.

Infamy was a thing in AA? The only difference is that there was no island capturing (which I believe is coming in an update a small while away from TGR). Infact, killing people for it was still a common practise, again, look prior into something before going mad about it.

They come to challenge bigger guilds, by far, being in a solo guild and ganking bigger guilds like Suncry, Armada, Black Bulls, Helios etc, just make you better at PVP, that’s what I’ve learned.

now go back to waiting for tgr

I have to say this so many fucking times: The only reason we are infamy farming is because there is literally nothing else left to do. In SunCry, we pretty much built a large community. Everyone has known each other well. The addition of Guilds help groups like us get to know each other and enjoy the game, whilst murdering other people. We can also use guilds for training, for each one of us to get better at the game. The Guild Update is one I like, which is very a unpopular opinion. This is because I made new friends in SunCry. Yes, we have done things that are horrible making us very hated. But those same things seem to make us closer to each other.

One bad gloop and she do what i yoinky
Two big splurgs and a big ass gloopy
Three more yoinks, then I buy me a smoothie
Poured up a gloop, that’s a gloop and a splurgy


Welcome to the forums. I’m sure you’ll get a bunch of backfire on this.

First, mostly every issue you mentioned was addressed by Vetex and is to be fixed in future game revamp (which will COMPLETELY overhaul the game’s content).

Second: this is the worst possible time to post this. The community is awaiting a revamp cause the game could be better, you don’t need to make this to remind us.

Now let me see everything you said:

So what? There’s nothing left to do for guilds. Also, should you have joined earlier, being able to PvP meant you could get ganked at any time. Even if not in a guild. It used to be MUCH worse honestly.

Either skill issue or you don’t like it, but I agree. I don’t PvP cause it’s something that requires good performance. I am fairly decent but having 12-13 fps with 200-300 ping doesn’t help. Still, performance will be improved in the revamp too.

That’s an in-game issue which is predictable, never complained too much about it, just assume they’ll aim at you and move.

When did they push that all magics are equal? Also, Explosion is arguably one of the worst examples you could give of bad magics. It’s better than things like Crystal/Wood currently.

You don’t need to use synergies to win fights if you’re good enough. Skill issue. Also, requiring multiple hits with magics to set up synergies kind of interrupts in my PoV so I would rather use these rarely, or use them in PvE.

Vetex already addressed that, it’s getting changed.

What I said before.

That might be also changed in the revamp.

Conclusion: Just don’t play the game until the revamp happens, easy.

To summarize: this is an idiotic post which I have no idea why it was made.

Oh yeah? If WoM is so good, where’s WoM 2? Yeah, that’s right. You are just nitpicking and biased, I win bye bye. Shut the website.

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