Would you save a person you hate from dying?

For me, let’s say that I already have some successful games. There’s this one YouTuber/streamer who keeps exploiting and ruining my game’s experience. They also wrecked havoc on my discord servers before by raiding it for example.

I somehow encounter them in real life dying. I know I can save them.

Assume the country you’re in has no duty-to-rescue law (obligation to rescue others) and no good samaritan law (if you accidentally harm them even more while trying to save them, you can get sued).

Would you (try to) save them?
  • Abso-fucking-lutely no
  • No, because of the risk of fucking up
  • Yes, because I can get something in return
  • Hell yes
  • Other (motives)
0 voters

Do you have something to tell us about any sort of possible situation you may currently be in regarding someone who you hate who you can save from dying

This person doesn’t exist yet and I’m assuming some shit like where they need CPR for example lol

unless they’ve been committing incredibly heinous crimes i don’t see why they should die

I’m gonna be completely real the person I’m imagining in this scenario is my mother and father and all I can say is sucks to suck

:face_holding_back_tears: this shit is crazy to ask

by the sound of it, you’re in a situation where you already have some successful games. There’s this one YouTuber/streamer who keeps exploiting and ruining your game’s experience. They also wrecked havoc on your discord servers before by raiding it. You somehow encounter them in real life dying. You know you can save them. But you decided to ask an AO forum on what to do because bleeh

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Why wouldn’t you save them

Isn’t this the second time you’ve asked a fucked-up question?

Anyway it depends on the person and the consequences. If they aren’t important or prominent, I’ll do it regardless of if I’ll get in legal trouble if I don’t. If they are, it depends on how much of an asshat they are in public.

Blud is gonna condemn someone to death cause the public don’t like them

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I mean like influential homophobes, racists, etc. Not somebody who, I don’t know, thinks they get free stuff because their spouse is in the army.

Assuming I was in that example country, I don’t think there is a situation where I would benefit from helping them, and at worse it’d backfire massively. If I was the dude dying I probably wouldn’t get mad at me either.

It depends on why I hate them. If it were the school bully then maybe, since they are only a teenager and in the grand scheme of things, there are far worse things than being a school bully. However, if it were someone who murdered my parents or something, I would never.

bro that’s so easy to report

depends on how screwed up they are

Hell yea, I would save myself!

Depends. There’s a difference between people I dislike for their personalities, and ones I think are genuinely bad people. Like, if I saw Andrew Tate or Vladimir Putin dying on the sidewalk, I’d laugh and let them perish. But if it were like Key or someone else on the forum I won’t name, I’d try and help as best I could. (Plus, Key was like thirteen, no way I’m letting a kid die)

Ig it just varies by how you define “hates”, because that’s a rather wide spectrum.


At least for me, I’ll assume the scenaro above given

don’t think the severity of this warrants looking the other way to a death

You may be insane

youre making a game on roblox? its a ridiculously insecure engine, so exploiters are to be expected and you either have to ignore them or in a case where theyre actively ruining the experience for others, secure your game and add an anticheat

if exploiters are affecting you enough youd wish death on them, then you need to either make pve games, move to a less shitty engine, or get therapy because that isnt normal