Would you save a person you hate from dying?

nah who needs that when i’m a wrathful bitch not actively causing their death (i’m thinking of that guy as some 24 year old who possibly lives in his moms basement)

also the no good samaritan law gives me fake excuse room to hide behind

the fact you wouldnt save someone from death isnt the issue, because its a very risky concept (fuck up once and you could end up responsible for their death), the issue is that youre mildly annoyed by someone on the internet and your first train of thought is to go to another website and make up hypotheticals about them dying


nah i’d finish the job

Probably, unless they’re running from the death penalty or did something terrible like murdering someone unjustifiably or something like that

idk tbh depends but in most cases I’d be against it

if its like a little kid then yea I’d help them but if it’s some creepy weirdo then I’m getting popcorn

Im so so done for…

Youd never do me like that right…

nobody has a “worst enemy” except anime main characters and, spoilers, you arent one. so why the hell wouldnt you help someone if possible, unless there are possible negative consequences for you.

now if, say, there was benefits if they died, like idk a debt thats erased or something, well at least thats a reason

I mean

Some people can be too vengeful for their own good

Some asshole bully harasses XYZ and now XYZ wants to watch their bully burn alive with no remorse whatsoever

you guys had some fucked up childhood

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actually i would kill my enemy even if they werent on the verge of death :grin:

I wouldn’t want to, but I would have to either way. Hating someone isn’t a good enough reason for you to be the reason that they die. The thing about passion is that once it blows over and you realize what you’ve done, it feels horrible.

When you indirectly end someone’s life (or even directly, typically on accident), you aren’t just ending their life, you’re ending their part in the lives of other people. Their parents no longer have their child. If that person had a lover, you could have just made an unfillable void within said lovers heart. The people around them that may not know them as well(friends and acquaintances) will take damage too, albeit not as much as lovers and family.

I don’t think I can just kill someone, or have a chance to save someone’s life but let it pass over- and then watch that persons mother or father crying at their funeral.

Again, it depends I guess, but if I knew my enemy wouldn’t change even if I saved them, I’d rather just let them perish.

and technically if they’re in a situation I didn’t cause then it might actually be wiser to not get involved at all

is it wrong that I’d probably be laughing my head off if the parents of some awful human being were crying over their coffin

everyone at the funeral is trying to be respecful but I’m taking a piss on that tombstone when the service is over

i’d take their entire family out

Im about die by dubious because i hit on ari before he did


So evil…

Just because someone is evil doesn’t mean their parents are evil.

Examples being a couple serial killers in history. They had perfectly normal and loving parents, but they still turned out rotten, didn’t they?

Another example being annoying children at your school. That kid might be annoying to you, but the parent is trying his/her very best to help that kid through life- whether that kid accepts the parents advice or not. You can’t say something like “Your son ran my dog over so now I’m going to end you, because you gave birth to that guy”. It wasn’t the parents fault for your dog dying, was it?

This is just a generalization, though. There are specific situations where a kids personality is caused by their parent, but I’m saying in general.

also gang members. “Dear Mama”, By Tupac is an example of this

womp womp

Say someone murdered someone, right? They are a bad person, this is really obvious.
Now say you had a child, raised them for years and years costing thousands of hours and money, only for them to go and kill someone and die. Obviously you’d be devastated, especially if you didn’t know how bad they were until they snapped.
I don’t know why the hell you would laugh over that man.

I find it


to sympathise with the parents of truly awful people like that

I wouldn’t be angry at them

I’d just be kinda neutral