Woven Together REMASTERED

Somewhere in between

are we getting drafted for war or is this teaching us how to not destroy shit with weaving

It’s teaching you how to control and use it ethically

And safely

also is weaving genetic? if yes, has there ever been a weaver eugenics program?

It is not genetic

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Anyway to everyone not in the Discord who didn’t see, all time statements are in GMT

You weren’t kidnapped for the LAST F*CKING TIME

Saw the sob and thought I got Deron’d lol

Name: Aoife
Gender: Non-binary
Age: 13
Province: 11
Weaving: Windweaving
Needle (with effect): Flute (calls nearby animals)

@Dudeman do the thing

lot of wind users it seems

we love mobility

Throughout heaven and earth, I alone am the main dps’er…

you fool

I try to make up for what I lack in damage with my shuriken-board-inator-4000

Speaking of which why does typ0 specifically get a needle that’s a weapon

they painted it to look like a pencil

Blah blah blah technically doesn’t look like a weapon in its compact state

Starting at 4pm GMT

So next hour?