Woven Together REMASTERED


@discobot roll 1d100

:game_die: 51

perfectly above average hurray


You can in straight lines

You down the Vessel… IT’S FLAME

you take 9 damage

Naroi continues to book it and follow everyone in front of her

“Whatever that freak was is down, let’s get going!”

Alright imma make the suit of armor now

@discobot roll 1d20

Okay, so Gabriel doesn’t even know where he is. He followed a random person that didn’t look like someone in LSD uniform and is probably going to keep going on to find the exit in order to break out Bob later.

(Idk if I roll so I will.)

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 2

:game_die: 15

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I dissolve the suit of “armor”


(Full sentence)

I went afk what happen

I think that having everyone individually try moving in a direction instead of booking it as a group is a bad idea, syk. It might be cleaner to have us all just be as a conglomerate moving together rather than individual rolls

I keep on running I guess?

@discobot roll 1d20

As you keep running, you put distance between you and the researchers

:game_die: 11