that’ll be how it is then
Crossroads, AVs coming down all 3. They all go the same way but you gotta take a risk
Where do you go
Can’t Zoe portal past them?
Naroi contemplates charging towards the researchers and hesitates for a moment
“Minny take the one ahead, hopefully you survive and catch up”
I try to run past the one straight ahead
Gabriel decides to leave some wildfire behind on any flameable objects that could slow down the LSD as he keeps going straight
“Why am I even running from an unarmed group of dwarfs…”
whenever they have a straight line Zoe and her portal weaveform larry create portals, and run around the turns, Zoe’s weaveform stays behind her
(for the running around corners)
@discobot roll1d20
can we lose the chasing researchers by running around a corner and having Zoe quickly set up a portal to a random hallway so that the researchers all run through it without knowing?
Minny takes 8 damage
You succeed and keep going
tbh i don’t really know what i should be rolling for, i showed up 10 minutes late as i was unaware we were abt to continue and there were already 150 messages i was not gonna read through
Naroi stops hesitating and runs (again) “I HOPE ALL YOUR MUMS DIE IN A TERRIBLE HOUSE FIRE!”
@discobot roll 1d20
keep on running I guess
oh yeah also I try to make another suit of armor (the second roll)
@discobot roll 2d20
3, 19
basically Monica did some dumb shit with the “Fractured Horn” and now we’re running to escape the chasing researchers