max of 7
Don’t try to max them out just go for nat 1s to save fabric
top left one returns. AVs jump down at you
but die of fall damage
could i and my weaveform do roles for whenever we reach a straight away to make extra large portals for everyone to go through quicker?
think again babyyyy
if they’re all locked nat 1, they’re like dnd cantrips
ok, got it
byran get out of the group you are ruining my rolls from proximity
An LSD member tries to tase you. Roll for Mobility.
-Byran tries to create a Magicman of about the same height as most of the gang to run down a random hallway and try to trick the chasing researchers
@discobot roll 1d20
I’m in a suit of steel armor wouldn’t that just conduct it and I wont be shocked?
i’m saying to dodge
you would be extra shocked
Sykadelik, can I steal an uniform from the LSD?