Woven Together REMASTERED

I so want to kick her ass after this

we went in an elevator and went down 3000 feet and are currently trying to get to the other elevator

I wanted to kick her ass before this tbh

the FIRST THING Byran does after they get to the surface and out the building is a d100 roll

152 extra hp temporarily

what am i supposed to be rolling for rn-

I am now officially a boss fight

I catch up to the group.

there are also stairs, so there’s 9 paths to take

We’re running around right now, as a group. I think if we just keep rolling mobility (with your portals as a bonus) we should make it out.

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where on the path am i even at

Naroi does a cartwheel while running to spice things up

@discobot roll 1d20

you’re with the rest

“Up should be good, which stairs we taking?”

:game_die: 5

-Byran decides to create the Magicmen to run down as many stairs as possible to see if any are safe
@discobot roll 7d20

9 nat 1 waveforms for scouting please

:game_die: 7, 8, 14, 18, 6, 8, 7

Gabriel decides to take a break and get some funny stuff that he finds on his way while searching for the exit

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 9