Woven Together

after getting them I go over to the place this assembly is at

Life outside the Inner Provinces, or, as they are more commonly called, the Capital Zones, is massively more mundane. They are overseen by the Middle and Outer Circles, and the people living in these places are those who are not discovered to be Weavers at the age of 13-20. Each Province has a mildly different climate, culture, and architectural style, and there are 24 of them.

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I look around the the vending machine for change

Nobody else is at the fishing bay and/or cares.

This will cost ÂŁ62.50


You would’ve just gotten teleported there with my Metaweaving but ok

You find ÂŁ1.49

Btw guys I’m only going to ping in dc for the first bit of the assembly, it will be in multiple parts so you can interact with the IC and stuff in between each bit

I try to find my way to the assembly hall (if Ishamon has found it already) and stash my items back into my backpack.

…what’d bryan find?

(if it’s just books filled with lore then I may as well ignore it for now, might check back later)

I WILL NEVER fall to WEAVING when I can do it NORMALLY

“Nevermind, im just gonna find a book to read”

I find books that share information out life outside the Capitals/Aberrations

You succeed

It very much is just that

You’ve seen the first so here’s an excerpt from an Aberration related one.


On very rare occasions, a Weaver will Aberrate, obtaining a powerful Weaving that wouldn’t normally exist. This is typically an abstract concept, but occasionally, such as in the case of Inner Circle member Andrea Ursus, it is a physical thing. Aberration is a very unstable process which has killed many Weavers and turned some into Absolute Vessels.


I ask @DubiousLittleTyp0 for a cent

Alright it’s time

“Oh right, I’m broke.”

Looking back at his notes right before the assembly begun, what did Ishamon come across?

The Assembly, Part 1

You all enter the assembly hall, and get seated. On the stage are the Inner Circle themselves - Arcadio Manning, Andrea Ursus, and Talen Tyrian. “Greetings,” says Arcadio, and you realise he was the one on the intercom, “and welcome to the School of Weavers. Here, we plan to nurture your Weaving skills while also teaching you what you should’ve learned in the Outer Provinces.”

Andrea intervenes. “We believe that Weavers do not deserve the stigma they receive, and so train your skills. We hope you find this a safe place.”

Talen finishes up. “You will be tested, and expected to prove your skills, on a regular basis. There will be a demonstration by the three of us shortly. Any questions?”

All questions for this part are to be asked now. You have until XX:45.

You have so far somehow managed to find the fishing bay and only the fishing bay

“Who are you”

Emery stares at the vending machine intently

“What kind of tests will there be?”

Ishamon lifts his right arm up, looking to ask questions.
He first asks if weavers are able to get a normal job after they graduate.