[ WRITING GAME! ] Good Night's Explosion

Shoutout to @Robotstics for suggesting the idea for this week!

This one is basically the ‘continue the story’ game, where you reply to the last post with whatever happens afterward.


  1. 7 sentences maximum for each reply.
  2. Every time you reply to this post, check the story parts on this post and the replies to see which part you would be writing next, then start it with this format: [ PART (number) ]
  3. Try to limit starting the conversations in the replies. (I know I’d be compiling the parts in the post itself, but yeah, keep the clutter low.)
  4. You can write more than one part when the person who wrote the latest part wasn’t you.
  5. Nothing too rule-breaking for the forum.
  6. There’s no deadline for now, and you may necrobump the post with actual story continuation. (in case this post dies)

The Story

Chapter 1

Part 0

     It’s finally the night where the wizard can rest in the comfort of their own house, after days of working in the other towns. As the wizard slowly drifted into the sleep they longed for, an explosion from outside interrupted this peaceful moment.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

Part 14

Part 15

Part 16

Part 17

Part 18

Part 19

Part 20

Part 21

Part 22

Part 23

Part 24

Part 25

Part 26

Part 27

Part 28


obligatary ping


[PART 1]

One wizard woke from his sleep to see the great burst of flames outside his window. He had Pitch black hair matched with his brown eyes and light brown skin. His clothes were ragged and looked like they had been torn after a fight. “Not again…” the young, 20 year old wizard sighed.
Ben had been exhausted just after finishing his fight with an explosion user.
But this explosion seemed… more explosive.


[PART 2]

“What the fuck?”
He goes outside to check and sees the entire street on fire. Buildings are crumbling around him as people frantically run, trying to escape the flames engulfing the town.
He gags as smoke fills his lungs and burns his eyes.


[PART 3]

Ben looked around wondering where were some wizards? Surely they would help.
He then saw a silhouette in the smoke.
One person was on their knees, the other stood up with a sword. The next thing he saw was the one standing up had decapitated the other.
They then walked out the smoke towards Ben, revealing them self. It was a woman, about Ben’s age.

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[PART 4]
Ben was concerned. The amount of power required to start off an explosion of this magnitude would be a lot. The woman walked out of the smoke towards Ben as if to execute him as well.

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[Part 5]
Ben was scared for his life as he saw the woman approach him, blood dripping from the tip of her blade. He would’ve run away, but he was paralyzed with fear as he fell to the ground. The woman pointed her blade at him, and Ben expected his life to end there, but then she asked, “Where’s Alcino Ketch the Brave?”

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[PART 6]
“I have no idea!” Ben lied. Damnit Alcino what bullshit have you pulled off now? “I haven’t seen him since the midsummer’s festival two years ago!”
The woman glared at him. “Speak the truth, or I’ll cut your head off!”
Ben swallowed, hard. What do I do?

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[Part 7]

As Ben’s head went into jumbles, an idea came straight out of his mouth.

“I’m telling the truth. If I actually lied, some god can strike me with his lightning right now.”

After spewing out this childish remark, the time seemed as if it’s slowed in his own shame. He felt like he’s been waiting for the woman’s response for minutes.

[Part 8]

“Very well,” she said as she prepared to execute him on the spot.

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[part 9]
“wait! hes over there” ben said pointing behind her

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[PART 10]
Ben took this moment to strike the woman with a Wind Beam. Then r a n.

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[Part 11]

The flames from the burning town limited his escape route, but he still found the exit easily enough.

Sadly, so did she.

The women moved faster then he expected, cutting off his retreat with a barrage of fire blasts before advancing on him with her sword, clearly well trained.

Alcino, I swear, if I make it out of this alive…

His thought was interupted as he barely dodged her blade.

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[Part 12]

The woman swung her blade at Ben with great swiftness. Each time the blade came near him, he made a silent prayer for his life. However, Ben was slowly being pushed back, and he found his back against a building. Seeing her battle strategy succeed, the woman raised her blade into the air, her fire magic flowing into it, preparing to strike Ben down.

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i got it

[part 13]
meanwhile in the magic council outpost…
“so… u guys see any good-”
“quiet i think i hear something” fast footstep noises from the trees
“its an ambush! fire”
“AAAAH” an MC scout comes out clutching his side and breathing heavy
“why were u trying to ambush us”
“let him catch his breath”
“theres huff somebody is puff riverville is huff… under threat”

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[Part 14]
“It’s being attacked?! We must go there now!” Shouted one of the scouts. The many scouts prepared themselves to head into battle, but then, a man wearing a regular yellow shirt and black pants.
“Worry not, I will handle this.” He told them. “I think I know who’s doing this damage.” The man then rushed towards Riverville, drawing his sword.

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Can someone give her a name at some point? It feels weird to keep typing “the woman.”

[Part 15]
Ben used a self explosion spell to knock the conjurer away. He turned and ran, but was hit by a beam of fire. As his clothes erupted into flames and he fell to the ground, he knew he’d be lucky to survive. He turned to see the woman walking towards him once again. He closed his eyes, waiting for the blade to pierce him. After a few long seconds, noticing he was still alive, he opened his eyes to see the woman looking towards the town’s entrance.


[Part 16]
“So you’re finally here…” she said, looking towards the entrance. The man in the yellow shirt approached her, determination in his eyes.
“Hello Kaitlyn… I take it you were looking for me?”
“You’re a smart man Alcino. Now that you’re here we can finish what we started. I’ll make you pay for what you did.”

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