Y'all excited for rell seas?

the movie is coming out today and will show progression (among other things) so the movie is basically deciding on if i will play the game or not.

if the movie is good and shows that progression is actually pretty good imma try and apply for tester tbh

Iā€™m interested in seeing how itā€™ll be, but as usual my hopes arenā€™t too high for it to be something crazy. I do hope the game turns out to be enjoyably since that would be a breath of fresh air compared to the other one piece games on the platform

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its a one piece game on roblox itll be grindy slop with bright colors to get children playing it

keeping my hopes at rock bottom, no one ever has made a good one piece game and i dont expect this to be good either

me when vetex made a masterpiece one piece game

are you talking about opga? i joined roblox in 2015 so it was a bit before my time

if you mean ao, i wouldnt consider it a one piece game, the appeal of one piece games is getting to use devil fruits and stuff from one piece and thats not what ao is

From what Iā€™ve seen it has good animations and modelling which is exactly what youā€™d expect from a rell game. Sl2 was a good concept but the progression was horrific imo.

i cant wait for gpo 2

Iā€™m cautiously optimistic for it, whenever I go onto youtube people are always talking about how Rell Seas (and Holy War X) are going to save roblox and stuff when we havenā€™t even seen the progression, to add to that most of the stuff we know comes from the Rell Brothers just saying whatā€™s going to be in it instead of actually showing us. So seeing that kind of stuff makes me more critical of it and I wonā€™t get my hopes up yet until I can judge it for myself when the movie comes out.

also need to mention that the maps look empty from all the sneaks weā€™ve been seeing.

If they make haki and non devil fruit builds viable then Iā€™ll play it lol

Iā€™m expecting it to be absolute rock bottom garbage with Homelander eventually being added as a devil fruit.

Hopefully builds donā€™t NEED other stuff and you can solo with just Fishman or a Saber with haki, but I wonā€™t expect much that way I can enjoy it


ā€œExcitementā€ and ā€œOne Piece gameā€ are mutually exclusive until proven otherwise.


One Piece definitely isnā€™t the #1 top selling manga rn, who would ever be excited for anything related to it

I know literally nothing about one piece, I just know that every game Iā€™ve ever seen that advertises its self as a one piece game ends up being a godawful soulless grindfest.

Typically goes 1:1 exactly the same for any other anime game too.

Oh you mean any One Piece thing on Roblox, then yeah youā€™re right

considering shinobi life 2 had shit like genkai bags and etc. rell seas is probably gonna have something similar where you kind of need to pay to enjoy it

i mean they showing progression in the vid they are releasing today, so i think checking that out would be pretty good

dunno in shinobi life 2 you could farm all the gamepasses which is smth atleastā€¦

donā€™t remember where but i do think they said they wanna change roblox one piece games

so things like no more bandit beating (which they said they donā€™t have, but will have to see)
boring grinding
and i would say that gamepasses are also a really bad part of OP roblox games, so they might not have shit gamepasses

The ā€˜Rell Seas Movieā€™ is premiering now, if anyone is interested;

Havenā€™t watched it myself yet, from what Iā€™ve heard itā€™s longer than an hour

That movie was horrid and showed nothing of interest besides the inertia combat for me.

Hopefully the release is good


the movie shouldā€™ve been scripted but they did show some pretty good stuff:

progression is gonna be a bit like arcane odyssey, you can just do anything you want and you will still progress. (this is a fucking banger, and basically confirmed that i will give this game a try at the very minimum, but does seem like i might no life this game)

you can stay on the goddamn ship, hallejulah, you can do air comboā€™s and whatever and you will still stay in the spot on the ship where you were, this is really fucking cool.


also ship customization looked bonkers. ships are gonna look pretty damn different.

iā€™m in their discord live rn:

and hype moment, there will be no devil fruit bags, no devil fruit notifier, no fast ships and dumb shit like that

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