They are trying to find the perfect set of catgirl reactions to use
This topic is just watching saiju cook at this point
I’m starting to think they just left while typing or fell asleep
will saiju finish her essay before lost magics come out?
Well while they aren’t actively typing, the indicator disappears
We know they aren’t CONTINUOUSLY typing from the pauses, and we know they aren’t NOT typing, so the only option is they’ve been unironically cooking a reply that is inconcievably long
Imagine them just reading this like “damn, I want to address this, but I gotta finish this 12-page essay.”
They can save the draft and do a different reply, they’re just in the flow state right now
she said she’s gonna finish in a bit guys get ready
My fault Robert I didn’t know you moved like that
moved like what
Quickly, someone leak patreon so the thread closes
NOT what I meant
still waiting
Dang you two misunderstood what Spectre said here a bit, though Helix you seem to be on the same page now i presume as of writing this.
I’m still going to fully finish this reply that starts from the beginning of Spectre’s quote, to my perspective on the whole thing despite it taking 6 hours to do though.
I’m going to commit and none of you can stop me!
Me explaining what Spectre meant, Wall-of-Text warning.
We start off with the context that it seems only your 2nd Magic can be changed to a Lost Magic.
Which then leads off to the issues they pointed out that this creates/implies. .
It’s fair to assume that Hybrids will differ from their Pure Path counterparts by:
- Opting out of higher tiers
- Not being able to use lost or ancient skill/spell equivalents.
- Only limiting themselves to 1 Lost equivalent to the two paths they invested themselves into.
- Limited on Spell/Technique/Skill unlocks for Lost equivalents.
1 Lost Magic and 1 Lost FS, lower tiers, and cannot use Lost or Ancient Spells/Techniques. All in exchange for Imbues, combining two stat paths play styles.
1 Lost and 1 Ancient or 2 Lost Magic/FS , highest tier possible, able to use Lost and or Ancient Spells/Techniques, Able to use Ultimates and shapes for Lost and or Ancient Magics/FS, and whatever other wacky stuff Vetex will allow Pure Paths to do.
I’d say this a pretty fair trade and distinction between them.
But this dynamic can’t be fully applied to Warlocks given that they are unable to have a Lost Magic unless they go for a 2nd Magic.
Which already isn’t good/ideal, but there’s a catch to that on top of it.
That being,
Stat investment -
Your 2nd Magic (or FS) will always have higher reqs regardless of whatever path you go. But this poses a problem for Warlocks in this case, because they’re forced to have a 2nd Magic to get a Lost Magic which creates a domino effect.
By needing a higher Magic stat to turn your 2nd Magic into a Lost Magic in the first place. You then also need more stats into Magic to enable your Lost Magic to have any usable moves since it’s a 2nd Magic.
And 2nd Magics have a stat requirement to use a Blast which is likely in part to scale with the req needed to turn your 2nd Magic into a Lost Magic in the first place. .
This also of course means you have takes away points in the Str stat which is likely to take away the option of having a Lost FS. To which even if you made your Lost Magic unable to use any moves outside of M1s, you might still not have enough to get a lost FS. .
Meaning that Warlocks are currently the only ones kicked out of the 1 Lost equivalent to the two paths the other hybrids still likely have.
(Unless they intentionally create the same situation which i’ll extrapolate on later as part of my own take in this. I’m only explaining what Spectre meant here for now.)
Which ties into another issue mentioned,
High Magic Stat Warlocks Going 2nd FS -
High Magic Stat warlocks that choose to go for a 2nd FS automatically are forced to lose out on the option to have a Lost Magic. Even if they wanted to have a Lost Magic but 2 FS with 1 being Lost and the other base or an upgraded base.
(According to puppykeeper which is a thing ig apparently.)
Meaning that they’re stuck in the position of having 0 Lost equivalents as a hybrid the way they are now. Whereas the other hybrids will have their 1 Lost equivalent for the two paths they chose.
In which they’re have 3 options to go about the situation they find themselves in:
Either stay this way for the rest of the game, having no Lost equivalents to the paths you invested while the other Warlocks and Hybrids do.
- At least you keep your High Magic req unlocks on your First/Base Magic.
Stat reset yourself to retain 2nd FS but lose out on high Magic Stat benefits/unlocks that was planned for your Lost Magic but have a Lost FS at least.
Stat reset yourself to swap to having a 2nd Magic, forced to have another magic, lose the option to have two FS synergize with another, and run into the possibility of still losing a Lost FS.
I’ll also extrapolate more on this part later.
Spectre then goes on to add that Warlocks don’t have any Str Wep or Arcanium Weps like the other Hybrids have. And they’re still likely going to have the same 1 Lost equivalent for the two paths invested.
Leaving Warlocks to get an even shorter end of the stick out of their Hybrid counterparts.
Me extrapolating/my own perspective of the whole thing. Also Wall-of-Text warning.
Okay extrapolation/my perspective time.
So Hybrids are likely to differentiate between Pure Paths by the things I listed earlier:
- Opting out of higher tiers
- Not being able to use lost or ancient skill/spell equivalents.
- Only limiting themselves to 1 Lost equivalent to the two paths they invested themselves into.
- Limited on Spell/Technique/Skill unlocks for Lost equivalents.
In the case of Warlock - and Hybrids in general really - it means that they can go down different routes within this “framework” on how they wish to play.
Barring/ignoring the 2nd Magic is only able to become a Lost Magic which i’ll get to later.
Warlocks are likely to be able to go these routes:
2nd Magic Awakening -
The general reason why people will go for 2nd Magic Awakening specifically will generally have the goal of either:
- Wanting another Imbue option.
- Wanting more Spell unlocks on top of another imbue option.
- Wanting another Magic for their Lost Magic.
Both 2nd FS or Magic have the same general goal of having synergy options.
“True Mage Warlock” (60-40 Magic/Str 2nd Magic) -
1st Magic is a Lost Magic or Base Magic
FS is not a Lost FS.
2nd Magic is a complementing Magic with the desire of more utility to aid their Lost/Base Magic. While still being considerate of their FS.
Emphasis on not compromising Spell unlocks for their Lost/Base Magic. Opt out on a Lost FS as well as Technique unlocks for thier Lost/Base FS unlike their regular Mage Warlock counterparts.
“Mage Warlock” (55-45 Magic/Str 2nd Magic) -
1 Magic is a Lost/Base Magic
FS is a Lost FS/Still a Base FS.
2nd Magic is still for complementing their Lost/Base Magic but with less unlocks. While starting to give their FS unlocks.
Emphasis on compromising on some Spell unlocks for their First and 2nd Magic to obtain a Lost FS. Or to unlock more Technique unlocks for their Base FS unlike their True Mage Warlock counterparts.
Strength Warlock (55-45 Str/Magic) -
No Lost Magic.
FS is a Lost/Base FS
Emphasis on opting out of a Lost Magic entirely and settling for 2 Base Magics in exchange for a strong Lost FS. Or for a more stronger Base FS with more Technique unlocks than a Mage Warlock.
True Strength Warlock (60-40 Str/Magic) -
No Lost Magic
FS is a Lost/Base
Emphasis on having their two Magics primairly be used as imbue options and maintaining one stronger Lost FS. Or a powerful Base FS with more Technique unlocks than a regular Strength Warlock, but nowhere as great as a Berserker.
True Warlock (50-50 Magic and Str 2nd Magic ver.) -
First Magic is a Lost Magic/ 2 Base Magics
FS is a Lost/Base FS
Emphasis on having a balance between having two Magics, 1 lost and 1 Base or 2 Base Magics. While having a Lost or Base FS that has no compromise between the their two paths. A nice equilibrium.
2nd FS Awakening -
The general reason why people will go for 2nd FS Awakening specifically will generally have the goal of either:
- Wanting another FS playstyle
- Wanting to have more Technique unlocks as well as another FS to imbue.
- Wanting a Lost FS and a Base FS.
Both 2nd FS or Magic have the same general goal of having synergy options.
True Berserker Warlock (60-40 Str/Magic 2nd FS) -
First FS is a Lost/Base FS
Magic is not a Lost Magic.
2nd FS is a complementing FS with a a desire to have it posses more utility to aid their Lost/Base FS. While still being considerate of their Magic.
Emphasis on not compromising Technique unlocks for their Lost/Base FS. Opt out on a Lost Magic as well as Spell unlocks for thier Lost/Base Magic, unlike their regular Berserker Warlock counterparts.
Berserker Warlock (55-45 Str/Magic 2nd FS) -
First FS is a Lost/Base FS
Magic is a Lost/Base Magic.
2nd FS is still for complementing their Lost/Base FS but with less unlocks. While starting to give their Magic more unlocks.
Emphasis on comprising some Technique unlocks for their 1st and 2nd FS to obtain a Lost Magic. Or to obtain more Spell unlocks for their base Magic unlike their True Berserker Warlock counterparts.
Magic Warlock (55-45 Magic/Str 2nd FS) -
No lost FS
Magic is a Lost Magic/has slightly higher Base Magic Spell unlocks.
Emphasis on opting out of a Lost FS entirely and settling for 2 Base FS in exchange for a strong Lost FS. Or for a more stronger Base Magic with more Spell unlocks than a Berserker Warlock.
True Magic Warlock (60-40 Magic/Str 2nd FS) -
No Lost FS
Magic is a Lost/Base Magic.
Emphasis on having their two Base FS primairly be used as multiple FS playstyles and maintaining a stronger Lost Magic. Or a powerful Base Magic with more Spell unlocks than a regular Magic Warlock, but nowhere as great as a Mage.
True Warlock (50-50 Magic and Str 2nd FS ver.) -
1st FS is a Lost FS/2 Base FS.
Magic is a Lost/Base Magic
Emphasis on having a balance between having two FS, 1 lost and 1 Base or 2 Base FS. While having a Lost or Base Magic that has no compromise between the their two paths. A nice equilibrium.
That took a fair while for me to explain the routes in detail, but now we must address the issue at hand. .
When you now account for the fact that your 2nd Magic can only be a Lost Magic. It throws a nice large Bulldozer at this neat layout of the options/routes you can do as a Warlock.
It messes up, or removes a route/specialized route that were pretty reliant on the prospect of your 1st Magic being able to be a Lost Magic. Whether a whole route including the specialized subsets of them is dead doesn’t seem to be the case at a glance.
Which is a bit rather unfair to our Warlocks friends when as it stands currently if the other Hybrids are able to follow the framework I wrote out.
Ex of where it messes up a route:
The True Mage Warlocks that wanted to maximize their Lost Magic and 2nd Magic Spell unlocks are probably crying right now.
They still aren’t in a worse shape as having your specialized route removed like their Mage Warlock counterparts. But it does mean that they’re going to compromise a Lost FS.
And or deal w/ their 2nd Magic, now Lost Magic having less Spell Unlocks. .
Ex of where it removes a route:
The Magic Warlock line that wants to posses a Lost Magic is no longer possible, but the Magic Warlock line still lives via those that want to charge up their Base Magics.
Which is admittedly pretty based, pun intended.
Back to the point though, those that went this route had just found their compromise of exchanging 1 Lost, 1 Base FS, to a 2 Base FS way.
For 1 Lost Magic with some or more Spell unlocks while still maintaining 2 FS to complement their Lost Magic.
Maybe. .
Wayy ahead of you I immediately started doing them the moment i replied.
Correction, it has been 6 hours approaching hour 7.
That’s all I really have to say or what i can remember to say rather.
I spent an okay-ish amount of time on this and i feel only a bit drained, though that’s mostly cause i don’t wanna hit Discourse reply word limit.
Tis all for now.