Yo yo yo here's Morden

Maybe that’s how he prevents himself from overheating in a tropical climate.


How do you even join the azure society…

Only if you’re blue

Where you find this?


someone posted the gif in my guild chat

Aah thanks.

wait a minute

new magic circle design?

There are plans for purchasable magic circle skins as well


That sounds dope.

Deus vult!

Why would he, for the backstory and where he was it makes perfect sense. He’s not some powerful legendary guide like Theos was

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True. You bet if I was stranded on an island middle of nowhere looking like crap that I’ll be confused why rich looking Richard wearing a suit is here as well

it would be fun to have someone on our lvl for once. Instead of having someone too high lvl or too low.


lol morden, the legendary hobo wizard

He’s not some powerful legendary guide

morden, the legendary hobo

i mean it’s not everyday you find out that a hobo is a wizard