You all asked for you go, Arcane Odyssey Riddle pt. 2

One important thing to note is that lightning always appears with the riddles. In both Riddle 1 and 2 it appears in the background image, but even in the EA trailer, right before Riddle 1 starts, lightning strikes.

I believe the riddles so far has not appeared without a lightning strike in official media, unless I’ve missed an old post by tech.

Originally I thought it could have a link to Tucker, as where does lightning constantly strike? Dawn Island where his grave lies. However it generally being seen as a link to Gods could be a step in the right direction. All three characters known to be captured by the Order awoke on Dawn Island.

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There is one riddle that is the exception to this. The old number riddle Tech made.

“7 -3, 1 & 2, 11 is standing still, 7 is coming home.”

However, this riddle was actually made long before the revamp and originally didnt even have an image and was just something he sent in Discord, yet apparently this can still apply to AO (As far as Im aware, I think AO will use key parts from WoM’s original storyline such as the same final boss and info from War Ages) so there’s that.
That’s why it has no lightning strike.

Though as a result… I have questioned if the Eagle might be referring to Morden instead, since all the descriptions also connects it to him, and even more so with the quote cause MC is not the stealthy type :sweat_smile: Though looking at the other stuff, MC might be more likelier (unless if the Eagle isn’t one person… :eyes: )

Oh yeah, random discovery, the sun sets and rises in different places in War Seas and Seven Seas. In Seven Seas, sun rises in the north, sets in the south. In the War Seas, sun rises in the south, sets in the north. This was confirmed by Vetex. When the sun rises in the War Seas… it would be a sunset in the Seven Seas.

So we can be 100% certain that the Eagle is someone from the War Seas at least.

Wait, hold up…

Sunset is at the south for the Seven Seas. In the War Seas, the sunrise would be at the south.
Both sides are facing south… the dove is PK at the endgame and if Eagle is AO MC, it’s probs at the endgame as well…

Err… I know that I dismissed the possibility before since I’d assume AO MC would be gutted for a while after that final boss fight… but this connection really does make me wonder…

Will PK really go alone into the Underworld?


Maybe I’m really far off this time lol.


Order of aesir is mutating someone to a god?

aware of weird english

sky peoples in seven seas are borning with magic,
because of the energy of island clouds.
(island clouds > sky fruits > sky people)
we can see that as a small mutating that caused so slowly.

atlantians in dark sea consumed dense magic energy from air and things (magic energy directly goes to their body) so fast, so they lost their mind and become monster.
the difference of they two is the speed of consuming.
and speaking of calvus, order of aesir’s great power has been sealed for centuries.
so by this theory, order of aesir slowly putting magic energy to leader or someone (the leader or someone is needed to be a mage, because mutating into a god without being a monster or loosing the mind will cost a lot of years) to mutate to a god.

aaaand in the first riddle, there is sentence that mentions ‘sword of time’.
I understand this as a ‘danger made by time’.
and that danger is the order of aesir’s great power, human mutated god
and this second riddle, eagle side’s talking matches with this theory too.
plus, order of aesir’s name is order of aesir,
and aesir’s meaning is gods in norse mythology.

again, sorry for my weird english

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im not good with AI but i tried ig…

(i have no idea if this is alr solved or smth pls tell me if so)

this is a necropost but it is kind of interesting how the player character of ao is either a legacy or heavily implied to be and how this gave you the answer of ‘legacy’

:soy: hades in war seas (or nearby)
hades = order11/!/1/11 :money_mouth_face:

it’s just rewording the lines
I don’t think it has any actual information on the game or story, so I don’t think that it’ll be able to actually solve it

Also… arent you guys saying this in the wrong riddle thread? This is the Eagle and Dove one, not the poem one lol (That thread needs more love, it doesnt have as many posts as this one)

yeah but it might give someone a new perspective or smth (idrk what i was doing i was jst bored)

Rizzle Me This…

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also something that may be of note:
in the most recent q&a it was said that the ao mc canonically has lightning magic

lets goooo

It was Tech, and he said “I would say it would be Lightning”. Though, Vetex said “idk”

I made a whole post above how the Eagle might be AO MC as I realized AO MC’s awakening cutscene at the very start of the story immediately features a lightning bolt (Its part of the cutscene, not a random thing that happens). It was even mentioned in the AO recap by the official AO accounts.

If we were to take account MC’s actions in the storyline (not player choices), Lightning is very fitting for them imo lol

How on earth does this thread still exist istg y’all have solved this riddle like 56,000 times already :sob:

Is this reffering to when we climb to stepstones to help iris and ultimately fight Elius with a choice of either sparing him or killing him?

My god I just noticed how bloody old it is

This was supposed to be a riddle hinting at the main story BEFORE AO’s release. There was another one that was posted not long after the revamp was announced. (These two are the only Threads that Tech has made so shouldnt be hard to find)

Tech wanted to do a third right before release, but he never did.

However, this riddle was really close to being solved already (while its unknown for the other one). One half is already solved, the dove is actually referring to the Peacekeeper, MC of AA.

Right now, my money is that the other half is AO MC after the story, as the one other person who was confirmed to be really close also theorised that the Eagle was AO MC, and they also theorised that the Eagle is basically a leader of some sort.

the story quest to defeat elius is called Thunderstorm
and that’s where you make the plan to either be merciful or ruthless.
and since you can’t change that, it’d make sense if that second part references this part of the story

Im pretty sure its more of a reference to Elius’ powers tho. His sister’s chapter is named “Earthquake”. Not every lightning reference will be a reference to this riddle.

But I did notice an interesting thing, which Vetex might write into in his books.

Tech says that MC might have Lightning as their first magic. The first boss in which they genuinely struggled against? He uses Lightning Magic.

Nimbus Sea, the first story boss is Maria. She uses Water Magic. Right after MC talks to Poseidon and gets their awakening, possibly getting another magic, possibly Water Magic since its Poseidon and their have a connection to him.

Im just suggesting the possibility that the bosses are meant to be lessons taught to MC. Theres also the fact that Calvus was also a Savant and MC has the potential to become one