You all asked for you go, Arcane Odyssey Riddle pt. 2

Oh wait, I hadn’t even realized I’d replied to the wrong riddle :skull:

Yeah, I’d meant to reply to the one you and him posted

Oh RIP, lol

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There goes the theory Star was working on… down the drain :sweat_smile:

My bad everyone!

I just found something in the game by accident, and I think it’s linked to this riddle

I was just randomly visiting islands, just chest hunting all the islands, and was talking to someone in Palo Town about the ‘Wrath of the Gods’.

However, what caught my attention was the execution taking place that just so happened to start while I was talking to the NPC. It was an NPC criminal, and I almost missed their final words (idk if I did miss something)

“The blood of us ‘criminals’ will dye this blue sea, the rage of the gods will strike and burn through everything in their path”

“Peace will fall, evil will rise.”

“And ‘he’ will return…”

Peace will fall… evil will rise.

The dove… is on a sunset, representing ending.
The eagle is on a sunrise, representing the beginning.

Rage of the gods will strike… reminds me of thunder, or lightning

Whoever the eagle represents… I don’t think it’s us. It’s whoever the Order is trying to awaken, maybe


Uh oh :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

riddle this riddle that can y’all just go outside already

riddle me this batman…

Okay, so uh, I keep going back to this riddle, mainly because someone seems to be close to figuring it out unlike prvious riddles, and its best to go look at something that we have better leads on ig. I keep going back to Poke’s theory doc cause they seem to be the closest to figuring out the whole thing.

Tech mentioned something about the Eagle symbolism, and that its not meant to represent freedom here. Looking back at the replied (yes I keep rereading the replies for a while), he did like some posts, one mentioning “royalty”…

Wait, royalty? What is royalty?

Something something that is passed down through generations, through some noble bloodline, someone that becomes the successor of the previous?

…Bloodline? Successor?


…Maybe we should’ve payed more attention to the royalty symbolism considering…

Peacekeeper, who we now know is on the left, was a peasant before their death.

And we were meant to compare the two, so if one was originally a humble magicless peasant… then the other has to be some powerful mage from some noble bloodline. Even the birds seems to match this with doves being more docile, smaller birds, while an eagle is… you know, very strong birds I’ll give you that.

…It was all in our faces, wasn’t it?


I remember that tech agreed when I said that the Eagle represented Mt. Olympus. Seeing as Poseidon said that we are the strongest will of all legacies, and also that we’re so special that both Calvus and the lab experiments recognized our potential abilities, I would infer that we ourselves are possibly the bloodline of the gods.

I also think Tech said Zeus is also relevant so possibly maybe we’re the bloodline of Zeus, one of the strongest of all the gods. Morden and Tucker could also quite well be descendants of legacies too, just from different gods before Mt. Olympus fell

Lol, I find it funny that I EXACTLY had this as some crack headcanon back in October 2020 when WoM was announced to be revamped and found that it’s taking place where Mt Olympus fell. (and completely forgot that I did till I looked back at some old messages.) One time Tech did saw me mention it one time and suspiciously said “Descendant from a god? That’s a very interesting concept” and disappeared afterwards.

But anyways, funny story aside… My current headcanon is that Tucker, Morden and MC were descendants from the top three Gods (Zeus, Poseidon and Hades), which is partly why they were strong enough to even survive experimentation for months and even managed to escape. It’s hinted though that MC is related to Poseidon than Zeus, or maybe closer to Poseidon. Note that back then, it was said that Poseidon became much stronger, probs more than his brother because the whole world turned into 99% ocean. The mention where he’s proud of MC so far indicates we’re related to him more than anything. (And yes, this implies that Tucker was the Zeus descendant, but hey, Zeus died first too soooo…)

I need to add as well that Poseidon called MC “The strongest will of all legacies”, not “The strongest legacy”. Will as in willpower. Determination. Resilience. Morden states that we were experimented on far more than he was in his journal. That’s gotta take a lot of mental fortitude to get through that. MC may have even fought back as they’re getting experimented as Morden’s journal also implied they got in trouble often (The journal states “I hope they’re not in trouble… again.”).

Of course, we’re talking about a descendant here after possibly multiple generations, so it’s not impossible that MC may have descended from more than one God. So it could be that they’re also related to Zeus at the same time… might explain why the Order has more interest in MC. Might be still more closer to Poseidon cause he lived longer

On topic with the royalty symbolism… damn, looking at it now, it was sooo obvious with this riddle somehow. Like we knew ages ago that one of the symbolism of an Eagle is royalty, and literally the previous riddle mentions “Golden ichor”, which a some people figured out it was referring to the “blood” of the gods. We also knew PK was originally a peasant before they died and got revived. All the hints were right there, lmao

riddle this riddle that why don’t you go play riskrunner in decaying winter or something smh

Finally read through all 1234+ replies on this and I can confidently say…
I have no idea.


Congrats, welcome to the club

Okay, just like how I did with the previous riddle, I’m gonna do a final compilation on this riddle as well. This is more of just an expansion of my random ramblings I added in my previous comment about the other riddle where I did a “Bonus” section which was just a compilation of random ideas for this riddle, and I’ll also be collecting all the other stuff I figured out on the riddle.

I am now 100% certain that the Eagle on the right is the AO MC, and yes, Pokemonisntfun, one of the riddlers here may have been startlingly very close to the answer with their doc.
I mean this one:

So we know there’s three things in the right side
Eagle, Lightning, Sunrise.

This isn’t the first riddle to feature lightning. The previous riddle also had lightning, which seems to highlight the significance of lightning when to comes to story, possibly, and seems to be associated with the Eagle.

Here’s the thing: MC may have some association with lightning.

Remember when MC wakes up in AO’s opening cutscene? What’s the first thing that happens? A lightning strike.

Yep. That’s no random lightning strike. It’s part of the cutscene. Whenever I watched other playthroughs of AO, or whenever I tried a new file, there will always be that same lightning strike at the exact same spot which occurs the moment MC gains consciousness.

It’s no coincidence that there’s a thunderstorm on an island named after Dawn, same things depicted in the background of the eagle.

MC may have a more stronger relation with storms than it seems as we know they are related to Poseidon.
And Poseidon can create storms

Originally before WoM got revamped, Tech revealed something about New Greek (the Gods’ descendants)…

MC is the strongest willed of ALL legacies

Thunderstorms can also symbolise spiritual awakening, sometimes symbolizing rebirth or renewal.

Very interesting that all three things depicted in the right side all have symbolisms of “rebirth/awakening/beginnings”
Eagle is a solar symbol, often associated with spring
Sunrise represents the beginning of something
Lightning symbolises awakening and the loss of ignorance

Of course, they also have multiple meanings. Lightning can symbolize connection to the divine, the Eagle representing royalty, which could also symbolise MC’s descent from the Gods. Poke theorised in their theory doc that I linked above that the eagle meant that MC becomes a leader of some sort.
Theres actual foreshadowing for this in the game via the NPC, Maya.

With the Order gone, the War Seas would quickly fall back into chaos in the long term, and interestingly enough, theres already someone with a plan to link all kingdoms together with treaties similar to what the Order is doing. Tech said Pokemonisntfun were the closest to this riddle, so this is something to keep in mind.

But even now… what does the quote mean? I mean, we’re looking at the eagle, sunrise, lightning, but it seems no one understood the quote yet?

The quote of the dove makes it clear it’s all about peace. It pretty much describes the message already. The one on the right is more vague.

What’s kinda curious about the quote tho is that its relation to the MC. Well, if the eagle side is MC, then the quote being referred to them and their intentions is almost ironic?

Because if anything, the game showed us that MC kinda sucks at subtlety. So much for the application of the “Art of War”, where the book is all about deception, stealth, etc, they literally suck at this lmao.

May I remind you guys they literally failed FOUR TIMES to have the decency to be subtle and not get caught. I said this before in a headcanons thread, but you can’t deny this really happened.
Lets see:

  1. Failed to be subtle about breaking into Fort Talos
  2. Immediately caught by Argos because they chose not to escape
  3. Immediately found by Carina while trying to hide
  4. Immediately found by Julian because MC was an idiot and went out of hiding to go to the Castello

Yeah, nuh uh, I dont think this is someone Id trust for my stealth missions. And even in Morden’s diary, he kinda hints that this was even a thing before MC got amnesia as he implied they got into trouble often.

So… does that mean the quote isnt talking about MC? Well, not necessarily… if the Dove’s quote represent PK’a endgame goal, then the Eagle could represent AO MC’s endgame goal, not the beginning.

If anything, MC’s inability to be more subtle and perhaps have more patience with their actions has shown to be a fatal character flaw, and had serious consequences in the story. All of what I said above ultimately lead them to get imprisoned in the Eternal Mines. Theyre not necessarily rewarded for those actions. If this was really the intention, we might see more of this to come, maybe ultimately putting one of the gang in danger or losing them as a result. And MC slowly learns how to be more patient, wiser, ultimately becoming a leader of their own.

And yes, alot of people in the past said that maybe the eagle is evil, war, etc, but looking closer at the source of the quote, “Art of War” by Sun Tzu, it actually implies the exact opposite.

Yeah, it has WAR in the name, but thats never the message of the book… in fact, its pretty much anti-war in its intention. It teaches the importance of knowing when to fight and not to, theres literally a quote in the book saying that the best way to win a war is WITHOUT fighting.

Most of the advice, or maybe the entire book itself seems to be intended to be used as a last resort, when in scenarios where there’s no way out of a war. When you have to fight.

Its no way “evil” nor is it about how to cause chaos, war and destruction. Its a book describing how to fight when peace fails.

Yep, wonder why left side is at a sunset, representing the end of something.

Peace isnt going to always succeed. There will always be people who wont contribute to it, even destroy it if necessary. There will be a point where you need to act.

Whats the difference between an Eagle and the Dove?

Dove leaves other birds alone. Thats why theyre considered birds of peace. The quote on the left mentions “securing the space for others to contribute”.

AA’s story is more about the stories of other characters, how everyone is a protagonist in their own stories and PK mostly acted as a witness/support to them. Whether it was Trigno’s fight with Rupin, Averill vs the pirates that took his newfound family, Theos vs Durza. This is what AA is about.

An Eagle on the other hand, steals from other birds, which again aligns with the quote, “Let your plans be impenetrable and as dark as the night, and when you fall, fall like a thunderbolt.”

What is AO about in comparison to AA? Well, we know MC is more focused on taking down the Order, something deeply rooted in the War Seas. This is a choice they made on their own. The Order is supposed to be preventing the War Seas from chaos, yet their intentions are rooted in evil and corruption. Peace isnt working, and MC has to take the Order down.

If AA is more about how the world shapes a person and said person ultimately changes the world in the end, then AO is more about how a person shapes the world and is ultimately changed by the world around them. PK is all about creating and maintining status quo, but AO MC is all about shaking the status quo for the greater good.

Lightning can also represent retribution from the divine.

If left side represents AA MC’s goal for peace and contribution, then the right side represents AO MC striving for justice and retribution.

They’re not opposites, theyre complimentary, both needed for a better future. Of course, this doesnt mean PK doesnt take down bad guys when needed, nor does it mean AO MC isn’t gonna allow others to do good (Heck, they keep making allies left and right). Just that they prioritise one over the other.

Like what Tech said, this is just another game in a series, and the right side is showing a counter to the left without going against it either. Ultimately, both wants to change the world for the better, and these are the two ways to do that.

Its kinda funny because from the moment I saw this riddle, I actually had a gut feeling the right side got to do with justice and retribution, mainly due to the lightning symbol there, but I never really got to put it into words. You know, like that feeling you think you know what it is, but couldnt describe it? Yeah, that.

Anyways, with this one, Im a lot more confident and happy with this theory, specifically with the last one, but Ill probably never know if Im close to being right or wrong till a few years… chances I mightve moved on fron AO by then, so who knows (Tech, pls read ;-; )


:joy: :joy: :joy: Alright, alright…
TLDR: Dove is PK, Eagle is AO MC. Dove is Peace, Eagle is Justice. Bam! Solved.