You all asked for you go, Arcane Odyssey Riddle pt. 2

Does that means that AA’s protagonist was seen like an actual “Peacekeeper”, hero who took down current biggest threat in the world, while AO’s protagonist is seen by commonfolk like some villain who destabilize situation between kingdoms, waging wars?

I assume it like this because in AA our goals were clear for other people. But in AO it feels like people didn’t understand us right and didn’t see our goals. In the end, they put us on the dark side. You can see this by reading dialogues with people from Ravenna after storyline.

Maybe? But Tech kinda revealed that the quotes are more about each person’s goal, revealing that the quote for the dove was specifically PK’s goal in creating peace.

My guess is, AO MC’s end goal is to become someone that protects peace by striking down those who threaten it or those who are wrongfully creating peace through unjustful means (like how the Order is doing rn) behind the shadows.

Amngst the comments Tech liked in this thread is one that pointed out that an Eagle STEALS from other birds. And I realized that its a stark contrast to a Dove as one of the reasons theyre even known as “birds of peace” is because they leave other birds alone, only feeding off seeds and stuff (well, unless you endanger their nest)

I forgot to mention in the comment above is that a part of Pokemonisntfun’s theory also said that rather than the two sides being complete opposites, they actually complement each other. They dont clash, they coexist.

Lightning can also symbolise “retribution of the divine” so uh yeah.

So if the Dove strives for Peace, then the Eagle strives for Justice. I kinda said that above but yeah.

This is the part thats the most vague about the riddle tbh. We now definitely know that this is AO MC, but I think the reason this wasnt completely solved is because of that specific quote and what it actually means for AO MC’s future. I dont think anyone has gotten it, or asked if they got it.


Depth of these riddles is impressive.

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It’s been over three years, I’m convinced this riddle will be answered after the completion of the game

it’ll only take a little bit of time, about 15 years or so.

Anybody knows if I can dm Tech on discord to show him my google document with my guess on this riddle’s solution? I don’t want to put it here, cuz if it is ends up being a solution, then its will spoiler end of the story.

He’s open at any time, Im certain you can message him (his discord desc says his DMs are always open)

Just might take a while on his answer due to timezones and whatever he’s doing. (Im just a coward and havent asked yet, he’ll probs refuse to answer anyway if it was right lol)

I messaged him. Waiting for answer.

I hope I cooked a good dinner. Took me around day. Evening to read through 1200+ replies and take screenshots of important replies building them into one large wall, then night of overthinking and morning of creating google document with my thoughts.

That reminds me… I also wanted to make a doc of my theory, but Ive been to lazy lol. I tried today after being reminded of it, but I couldnt think of a proper structure atm oof

Hardest thing is probably to adress the question. Like… what can be considered the solution to this riddle? In my document I found similarities and differences between Dove and Eagle, then put everything together, but I am not sure if its counts as a solution.

Yeah, what Im struggling though is which order I should structure it. Like, I could start with Pokemonisntfun’s theory, or I could start with the first notable post in the thread, or start with the Peacekeeper. Usually, theres a gradual progression with the way I write theories, which is why they turn out… long.

I write them as if Im writing a script, cause its basically how I write my comments and posts (as if Im reading those aloud) so yea.

I started with Peacekeeper.

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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the doc is basically supposed to have the same stuff as my super long comment above just with extra things like other people’s theories because I felt like it needs to be in a doc and not some super dumpy long post in this thread lol.

So it might not be too necessary as I already made the long post, thats probably why I wasnt much in a rush to make the doc earlier. It would be nicer if it was all compiled in a doc tho

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wait, this riddle has been the answer to the end of the AO story the entire time?

That can’t be right

Tech still haven’t answered. Maybe he didn’t see it yet or doesn’t want to answer. Either way I will wait multiple days and then publish it here for others to judge.

Quite possible. I have seen somewhere, that AO’s ending is similiar to how WoM should have ended (QNA?), so they knew it even before revamp.

(Or I am shizo)

Yeah, mainly the boss is also the same, and defeating it would have some impact on the world. Vetex did hint WoM’s boss once, a being thats been sealed and unsealed thoughoit history… thats likely why we’re supposed to learn abt the era before magic.

I think it was clear tho as even back in WoM, youll notice the final boss in the hero storyline would have the same description as the final boss for AO iirc.

AO MC is a different thing tho, as the character was created after WoM.


Just keep necrobumping…

at least it’s relevant, so it’s okay