You all asked for you go, Arcane Odyssey Riddle pt. 2

Tech didn’t answer to me, so I am posting it here. I just noticed that there could be some loopholes cuz I didn’t explain some moments which appeared there, but I hope you will find out.

I would like to hear your opinions about it.


Nah I’d solve

I agree with peace without Justice is worthless

Reviving this thread because now I know that I am moving in the right direction.

ALDKJSSJLFSJ, that should mean Im close too right :astonished:

So close… yet so far :sob:

Oh yeah, Im close to finishing my doc, actually, Im just figuring out how to do the final part and stop myself from yapping in that bit LOL

Do you have any ideas about sealed thing which Order is trying to unseal? Personally, I thought its will be Kronos (since we are in the same bloodline and Zeus’s had “son overthrows father” curse. In this situation instead of father we have very grand grand grandfather, but still).

It seems that the thing they are trying to unseal is far more ancient than Kronos. Who could that be?


Vetex actually gave a description for WoM’s final boss back in 2019 (which Im pretty sure is the same boss for AO), which says “An evil that has been sealed and unsealed throughout history”. Pretty sure this is the reason why WoM and AO were supposed to explore the era before magic. Its related to this “evil”

I personally dont think its Kronos.

Surely someone older. It is either someone on the same lvl with Uran or older, or it is not a deity at all.

Ouranos got chopped into little bits so I dont think its that dude.

Probs someone stronger that the Gods had to seal them instead. Its likely the Gods had sealed them since their “legacies” are the key to opening this seal

We know why gods have to seal someone instead of killing. They are just immortal, not sure if info is outdated, but it makes sense due to Poseidon’s dialogue.

Its not enough. Body destroyed, but spirit could still live. Besides, when did he got chopped? I checked some websites and it is said that his fate is unknown.

Im pretty sure the common story is that he got sliced by Kronos with the sickle and his… parts became Aphrodite

In my sources Kronos did slice him a bit… but he wasn’t killing him.

Hmm, yeah, but slicing is different from “sealing”, right?

Right. But we don’t know what happened to him later.

All this shit with order searching for god’s descendants makes me think that they either need:

  1. Descendant with exact bloodline to pick his body as a vessel for long killed god (yeah, sounds farfetched)
  2. Descendant with enough godly will to use his body as a vessel for real god.

Both options are pretty farfetched, but I am assuming that jail for titans does not exist in this world (for lore reasons, why make a jail for someone when you can just scatter their vessel?)

isn’t that what tartarus was used for?
just imprisoning people deep underground

Yeah, but for what? (In real mythology its could make sense, but in AO there are other ways to seal someone)

Even if it does exist, let atleast find who could be inside? It is 100% should be someone older than Kronos.

No, they just need their power to unseal this “great power”. I thought Calvus said this… :thinking: