You all asked for you go, Arcane Odyssey Riddle pt. 2


These are also beings that haven’t been sealed and resealed

Some monsters are born from Typhon and Echidna, some are humans who were cursed by gods, some are really messed up human births, so it’s mainly a mixed bag

It was mentioned to be a curse in the sources I’ve read, hence when Zeus heard the nymph Metis was pregnant, he drank her, and she gave birth to (luckily) Athena in his stomach, who then decided break out of Zeus’s head after Hephaestus cracked his skull due to him complaining about a headache


Maybe, but I haven’t met this information before.

It gets confuzzling I agree, hesiod’s account mentions it as a foretelling of Metis’s children so take hesiod’s word over mine

What this image is supposed to mean? We were talking about Ouranus kids, most of which were monsters, right?

oh lmao, ouranos’s kids are the hecatonchires, Titans, Cyclopes, and Aphrodite

Yeah, but are you sure that curse made most of them look weird?

? there’s no curse for ouranos, he just has weird children with gaea, I think I confused it and thought you were talking about the patricide curse

Ouranos was both, kid of Gaia and her husband, which is probably the reason after all these strange beings.

There’s a lot of incest, Zeus with all his phall-andering has been with plenty of cousins, aunts, and things u shouldn’t stick your thunderbolt in

more ancient than kronos…

tartarus? the eternal pit of damnation???

he also counts as a primordial

Holy hell I just remembered
At the release of Elysium, vet said that the reason we’ll be able to fight raid bosses like Durza there despite them being evil is because Tartarus is not allowed for “story reasons”


isn’t the South the old West (due to the worlds orbit getting fucked by Acherons blast)?

The underworld was thought to be at the far west of the world in Greek Mythology, so what if it could symbolize going towards your fate or smth like that?

I wonder if Elysium will still costs Robux when raid kosses come out (cause the point of locking the servers to mods and some other people was because there wasn’t much content)

i think the special pvp ones will, but raid bosses won’t

i think it was, an oracle told him that if metis (a nymph who was going to sire one of his children) had a boy, his son would overthrow him. so he played a game with metis about shapeshifting and she turned into a fly and he swallowed her, so then she gave birth to athena inside his skull. she made armor for athena and allat (somehow) and then zeus complained about a headache so he had the bright idea to ask hephaestus “yo crack my skull open”. hephaestus was like “ok buddy” and did it, and then Athena came out clad in armor with a sword and shit. i envision all the gods were either like ‘bro what the fuck’ or like ‘average day on olympus fr’
tldr; what you said with some differences

I also remember being told that Vetex didnt want to talk about the Underworld since its a spoiler. (Patreon chat I believe)

Can anyone tell me really quick what happened in here?