You all asked for you go, Arcane Odyssey Riddle pt. 2

we were discussing lore and stuff
and trying to guess which primordial could be that “greatest threat” which was unsealed a bunch throughout history.
and also something about the direction ‘south’

Well, well, well… its been 10 days. Probably I am the last standing here. I have made document 2.0 some days ago, where I finally managed to find a meaning for Ocean on both pictures and polish previous parts, but I am still waiting for confirmation from Tech.

If anyone still has faith in solving this riddle, I will share lattest Tech’s reply to me when I tried to solve first part of the riddle instead of the second one, to connect them later.

I recommend to have a look at this one firstly.

(Btw, is I am blind or he mentioned riddle part 3 which doesn’t exist?)

This riddle (that this thread is for) is actually the third riddle Tech has shared. That riddle you linked is the second. The first was actually shared before the AO revamp, back in WoM, which I would call it “the Number Riddle”

This was actually first shared in text, then later Tech made it into an image.

This riddle apparently still applies to AO, I guess what Tech said confirms it.

If they build on each other, then I guess the theory that each line of the first and second riddle lining up is correct (well, Tech did react to it lol

I think the first line of the second riddle has been solved (looking at Tech’s likes on the posts of the other riddle thread)

Its about the Legacies of the Gods.

If they line up with each other then 7 - 3 must be related to the Gods in some way… which could connect to the final line, 7 is coming home.

If you’re daring enough, you should read the messages of the other thread because the first riddle is also more frequently mentioned there. (Though, its weird, cauae Tech also said that the second riddle shouldnt have to do much with the first riddle… or maybe he said they dont need each other to be fully solved?)

I think there was another that came before these 2, not sure how relevant it is though since it’s a good bit older
Edit: oh ok you explained

I checked and apparently its dated several months back before the AO revamp announdement (as a text, the image only released AFTER the second riddle), he shared it back in February of 2020

Oh shoot, I completely forgot…

The second riddle is basically just a dumbed down version of the first riddle, as Tech said this after releasing the second riddle.

Btw, the second riddle is now completely solveable with the current contents of the game (first line is now solved)

Take this if you will :wink:

Don’t tell me what to do


I don’t really understand how a bunch of numbers are related to gods.

I be riddling in her techlevel until she odyssey on that mythology :tired_face:

I am still working on this riddle’s solution tho. If anyone here have any thoughts regarding it, dm me.

Btw, day 9 waitting for answer from Tech regarding my last document. Usually it takes 7 days, so I am starting to wonder.

I have no idea what the proper ettequite is for trying to answer one of these, so uhh here we go

My guess

General Nasir (represented by the dove in the image) is actually a traitor.
He’s conspiring with either someone from the Ruijin Dynasty (hence the Sun Tzu) or Donar (hence the lightning), to overthrow Empress Nilah, and has been undercover since… a long time. This would make the theory of one of the other Samerian generals joining your group sometime make more sense, because if Sameria loses a war, they wouldn’t have a monarch to serve anymore, unless they swear loyalty to Sameria’s conquerer. This would also tie in us going to Jotunheim, for revenge/to rescue Nilah.
As for why I think it’s Nasir, well, he’s like a healer guy. Nilah outright confirms this in this peice of dialogue in the story quest Return To Sameria:

Empress Nilah: “Nasir, I want you to go to Fort Montu, set up an infirmary and have any injured soldiers sent there. We have to keep our forces healthy if we want to stave off this assault.”

General Nasir : Of course your majesty, I’ll save as many as I can, I’m good at what I do.

Empress Nilah : Of that, I have no doubt.

He’s obviusly a healer guy/ORACLE, a person that uses the power of the gods, and in the Bible, a dove is the one bringing Noah proof (from God) that there’s dry land and the water is receding.

I’m probably completely wrong but I could be right idk

okay…wait what does the BIBLE have anything to do with it

just an example

official blind opticalcord guess:

The eagle at first I assumed was the player because they have lightning magic but now I think it’s the order of aesir, the quote tells us that their plans are basically not what they seem, the player is on the wrong path. (So everything that’s happening the order wanted to happen or they wanted something like it). They expended Calvus for this reason (he was the weakest link). Whatever people think of the Order is not what’s happening

The dove is the player, quote showing that they’re just doing the best of what they can, even if it’s not exactly the best thing to do, it’s the right thing to do. The second part tells that the player is recruiting the strongest people they can (fr).

a solid guess, but seeing as we didnt know nasir even existed in 2023 and that tech said it was solvable then, I think this is a bust.

Idk my 2 cents is the Wotan son we will be fighting has some sort of lightning curse (whether it be poison, storm, or normal lightning is up to guessing) and he’s gonna do something sneaky and backstabby like attacking in peace negotiations

Omg let this topic DIE