You and your pfp have a cooking competition against each other

Hold up I thought yours was a minecraft polar bear

I guess I needed to pay more attention

it’s a sleeping minecraft arctic fox, the square aspect ratio does make it look a bit bearish tho

Goodbye food, you lived a good life.

Most complicated meal I can make is instant noodles

Don’t know him but I bet he can COOK

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It depends on what you consider my pfp to be. If it’s the universe (or a part of space containing Earth), it wins, by virtue of containing anything ever cooked. If it’s just a bit of space, with no inhabited planets, I probably win. Unless I seriously mess up.

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A tie
I never really cared about designating cooking skills to my OCs so at least Ace Grey has the same cooking skills as me.

i am either screwed against a literal deity or i win because i fight against a plastic star cutout

uhhhh i guess i win?

I’d cook my pfp

it followed me home, guys

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just eat them to automatically win

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my ass is NOT WINNING

Cant you just cook a banana though?

conclusion: me and my pfp cook equally bad(it has no arms or legs)

well this is interesting


tf is this floating head gonna do? bite the tools? my disembodied nft-lookin-ass head will be SEETHING while i claim victory in my COMPLETION

If i have to say, this dog on my pfp (Aunn) is probably not that good at cooking. But most Touhou Character can shoot danmaku, there is no way I can dodge those bullets flying everywhere in the kitchen :joy:

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Bro my pfp cannot cook she is not only gonna burn down the whole kitchen, but also destroy the whole world in the process :skull:

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