You and your pfp have a cooking competition against each other

So, a tie on account of neither side producing an edible meal?

(Because you are busy being ashes, which notably cannot mix ingredients or anything, unless they have outside assistance)

he’s gonna cook me

With my Toy Freddy pfp (though I’m planning on changing it to an Adam Driver pfp soon), I think… I would win since Toy Freddy, though sleek, is a clunky animatronic bear, man’s fat plastic fingers would be able to do shit in the kitchen :sunglasses:

Easiest W of my life.

It would be given a metallic aftertaste. Whilst unorthodox, it would give it a subtle yet regal feel.

I don’t even know if Sakaki and Kazuto (the two guys in my pfp) can even cook let alone cook in their Never​:arrow_down:anD forms :skull:
But, I can fry an egg I guess?

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(I got a new pfp now yippee!)

Honestly i got no clue how good they are at cooking but I assume they’re probably better than I am

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im confident that i can win a halloween pumpkin

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Why are the screens pixelated ?

idk the art just has it like that in the song video

This is the fucking Beyonder he could erase me

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…I’d win-

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what if i have multiple pfps?
and i occasionally change them?
does that means i have more that one competitor?

but i anyway will lose

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i doubt a paper ornament can do much in the first place
also since its made of PAPER i can just burn it to death with a lighter or put it on the stove

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half of you guys are just talking about how you would sabotage your pfp to win :sob:
i would never want to join a competition with you guys

I feel like I could beat an ender man especially since he can’t touch any water whatsoever.

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iceberg lettuce + plant food

Um, I’m not sure if I’d win. I mean, I can make some stuff pretty decently, but my pfp is literally BATMAN with a green lantern ring. He could just make a construct of Alfred to cook up the most bourgeois-ass food he could think of.

I require methê. Mr whitley