You can remove one Magic, Fighting Style, or Weapon from the game. What is it?

Wind + boxing is only for the meme tbh

Also that had a teammate using a grab too from what it looks like

Vindicator looks cool though. Thunderspear just sucks in every way.

thunderspear making me question why I wasted an extra 18 minutes of my time stomping Elius after getting even his non-boss exclusive drops:

Bro. Future updates?

Magic: Ash magic. We have too many “hot” magics, and this one is too aesthetically niche

Fighting Style: Sailor Style, because gamers don’t drink water (or shower)

Weapon: Katana, to make people upset

Damn this benefits me

Aesthetically, it doesn’t even make sense to me. It looks more like some evil void with it’s effect rather than ash. When I think of ash, I think of grey powdery bits. Not a dark red cloud

it should really be renamed to cinder magic.

it probably still has some red-hot pieces of rock or smth

Ash doesn’t come from hot rocks though, that’s just magma. Ash is the small particles of stuff that is burnt by fire!

if it’s volcanic ash it’s made of rocks, minerals, and volcanic glass, just very tiny so that it’s similar to a gas


crystal thermo is also pretty good hear me out :eyes:


Just delete every meta)))

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no way you found that

For the sailor style part the user use the magic energy in the seawater to attack ppl. If you want to know about the magic pollution and what it did to the sea, read the lore.
For the weapons part, most weapons has incomplete skills. They will become unique once those skills are added

magic - Plasma
The disgrace in the heat based magics

Fighting style - Iron leg
just… no

Weapon - Dual Scimitarrs
I hate everyone that uses this instead of kai’s saber

isnt there people who survived a lightning strike? u tellin me they can literally say “i have walked across the surface of the sun

Isn’t the plan for reskin weapons to have them with different stats (i.e. Morning Stars with bigger AoE, Hammers with stronger attacks)?