You can remove one Magic, Fighting Style, or Weapon from the game. What is it?

Short for Crystal Leg.

I would remove cutlasses and add them back in with their unique moveset (AA colossal cutlass I miss you :cry:)

People hate it because it’s meta, it happens a lot in most games

I like thermo a lot, it’s a very fun hyper aggressive fs and using sand + thermo warlock has been amazing and fun for me. That being said, thermo is definitely overtuned, and I can see why people don’t like it that much because of it being so strong

Fun? Yes. Amazing? fuck no
Thermo Warlock fell off so hard due to the nerfs combined with the imbuement memory leak.

Still pretty fun for me, I’ve seen people cope about how its broken still after I fight em

I guess I’ll give it another shot.
Either that, or magma imbue is the pinnacle of How To Mid-ify Thermo Fist

Magma might be too slow for it idk

Even still thermo is definitely gonna be used more than boxing just from synergy alone due to it being heat based.

Thermo does well with:

  • fire
  • plasma
  • acid
  • ash
  • magma
  • wood
  • light (makes it the fastest thing ever)
  • shadow (boosts all its stats)
  • explosion

Boxing has:

  • wind
  • light for a worse version of light + thermo (balance team kept shitting itself over how light + thermo is significantly faster than light + boxing with 80 atk speed)

Not to mention thermo can still be used with cold magics because imbuing it makes it give the steam effect or whatever it was (forgot what it was called again)

Which people complain is just reskinned burning but people like Pristine have indicated it’s actually good bc it’s a Scorched reskin; just not stuck to the “dogshit that is Plasma” (actually said by pristine at some point, maybe not on the forums tho)

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what do so many people have against cannon fist bro :frcryin:

for magic, i would remove glass magic.
glass magic has nothing unique and will most likely never get its bleedstack back, leaving it a mediocre magic that just applies bleed.

for fighting styles, iron leg no questions asked.
i don’t think i have to explain this one honestly.

for weapons…
all the awful weapons that are near useless in a serious fight.
so like, 60% of all weapon types

Fire thermo isn’t good imo
Maybe just me though

It’s still a possibility that works with thermo

Boxing hardly works with anything

It appears to. Burning from potions stacks with Thermo burning, so it likely stacks with fire magic burning too.

Bro is a gravy mage, bruh.


Waste of a choice when you could have gotten rid of vindicator

After using thermo explosion you only need it for LONG play sessions

Every other “dev” is a contributor or a tester with Vetex being the only actual dev

Better block but this is more beneficial for berserker than warlock

(The one thing)